Fun with Science: A Hands-On Learning Adventure

Students posing in front of backdrop

A group of our boys and girls had the opportunity to do some hands-on learning, thanks to our friends at AkzoNobel!

AkzoNobel has supported our Home in many ways before, including through a $25,000 grant for the past three years and volunteering at events like Movie on the Lawn and summer enrichment. But they were looking for even more ways to be involved with volunteering with our young people.

They decided that the perfect way to volunteer with our kids, while sharing some of their science backgrounds, would be through a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry.

A group of AkzoNobel volunteers toured several exhibits with some of our kids and coworkers, including Extreme Ice, Future Energy Chicago, and Numbers in Nature. Everyone had a great time learning more about things like glaciers, patterns in nature, and ways that smart energy can be used in the future!

After touring the exhibits, everyone gathered for a delicious lunch in the museum cafeteria. The kids also had the opportunity to chat with the AkzoNobel volunteers and learn more about their careers, backgrounds, and how they got to where they are today. The conversation flowed freely and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get to know each other better.

We are so grateful to Stephanie Murray at AkzoNobel who coordinated the company’s volunteers and purchased both museum tickets and lunch vouchers for all attendees. Another big thank you to Mercy Home’s Victor Nieto, who coordinated the event with AkzoNobel. It was a huge success!


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