Unsure How to Give? Discover Which Planned Gift is Best For You

I tell people all the time that I might just have the best job in the world.

It’s true! I’m lucky to work for an organization dedicated to saving young lives and providing opportunities for kids in need. My co-workers are some of the most kind-hearted and dedicated people on earth. I get to watch all of our kids grow up, and talk with supporters around the country about our life-saving mission here at Mercy Home.

My job has given me an amazing gift to serve as a bridge between the young people at Mercy Home and their champions all around the country.

And make no mistake: you are a champion to our kids.

The gifts you share provide food, shelter, and safety in a chaotic world. Your commitment to education and job training are transformational for young lives entering the workforce. Your prayers and words of encouragement give our kids hope for a better future – no matter what’s happened in the past.

Simply put, we could not do any of this work without you.

We’re so grateful for the sacrifices you make to build a better life for young people every day. I know that you don’t come to the decision to support our kids lightly.

In fact, the most common refrain I hear when talking to Mercy Home champions like yourself is “I just wish I could do more!

After all, you have your own home to tend to, your family and loved ones to look after. We certainly recognize that, after all of these obligations, generous and loyal friends like you continue to open your hearts to Mercy Home.

But what if you could provide a safe, loving home for the children at Mercy Home, and provide financial security for yourself and your family?

Fortunately, there are philanthropic plans that provide benefits to a charity such as Mercy Home, as well as to donors like you. You may be surprised to learn just how easy it is to fulfill your financial and charitable goals at the same time.

If you’re interested, please take a look at the chart below for several ways you can continue to support our mission—while also taking care of your loved ones.

I Want To…Planned Gift to Consider:How does this gift benefit me (as well as the boys and girls at Mercy Home)?
…make an immediate impact and save on taxes.A gift of cash, stock, or other assetsYou can deduct a gift of cash or other property made to Mercy Home (up to 60 percent of your adjusted gross income). If you give stocks, bonds, or other securities, you will also avoid paying capital gains tax entirely.
…receive guaranteed income for the rest of my life.Charitable Gift AnnuityMake a one-time gift, receive a charitable tax deduction, and receive annuity payments for the rest of your life… up to 10.7%!
…leave a legacy for the children of Mercy Home.Will, Trust, or Beneficiary DesignationRemembering Mercy Home in your legacy plan simple, free, and will ensure your legacy for many years to come. You can make a provision in your will or trust, or name us the beneficiary of your life insurance, brokerage, or retirement account.
…lower my taxable income and avoid taking the Required Minimum Distribution from my IRA.Make a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” from your IRADirect your IRA custodian to make a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” to Mercy Home – up to $100,000. You will lower your adjusted gross income (and your tax bill), and your gift will support kids in need today.
…combine giving
“Blended Gift”Make a gift of securities in order to pay for a charitable gift annuity. Or you can endow your regular monthly gifts by naming a percentage of your estate to Mercy Home in your will. There are many possibilities!

A well-designed philanthropy plan can help bring peace of mind. I recommend talking with your family and loved ones, as well as your financial advisor or attorney. And of course, I’d love to talk with you too, to discuss your goals, and help design the right plan for you.

Thank you so much for all that you’ve done to ensure that our “Mission of Mercy” continues well into the future. You really are a champion to our kids!

This guest post was written by Phil Zielinski, Director of Philanthropy.

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