Exploring Ways to Change the World

Mercy Home’s young women recently took part in the annual spring spiritual retreat, led by the Manager of Spiritual Development, Marc Velasquez. Our young ladies traveled to Covenant Harbor retreat center in Lake Geneva, Wis., for a weekend of prayer, reflection, relaxation, and companionship.

Marc Velasquez leading Mercy Home's spring spiritual retreat

The theme for the weekend was, “Generation Z: Ready to Change the World.” Throughout the weekend, the girls were asked to think about what makes their generation unique and how they could use their place in history to have an impact.

In one session, the girls learned general characteristics of other generations and then compared their views and characteristics to people they knew who grew up in previous generations. Another session asked them to think about their personal identity and how that contributed to a larger identity.

The weekend was filled with many creative projects. They made vision boards, remixed a song to make it contemporary, and created a meme and discussed how it could be changed and altered in the world.

The weekend was filled with many creative projects. They made vision boards, remixed a song to make it contemporary, and created a meme and discussed how it could be changed and altered in the world. Throughout the weekend, they also wrote each other props and words of encouragement called Warm Fuzzies. They decorated boxes to keep these affirmations in and can look back at them whenever they need a pick-me-up.

To top off the weekend’s festivities, both our kids and coworkers took a shot at Covenant Harbor’s indoor climbing wall.

It was a great opportunity for our girls to spend meaningful time in community and reflect on their own lives.

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