Sharing Culture, Rituals Create Environment for Growth
Our young people enjoyed a dinner in celebration of the Kwanzaa holiday thanks to a committee led by youth care...
January 16, 2025
February 26, 2024
As we begin the month of March, we are continuing our forty-day Lenten journey. This journey brings us to the cross and the celebration of Easter. During these forty days, we are invited to join with Jesus on an intimate journey of love, which includes prayer, reaching out to the poor and lonely, and offering personal sacrifices.
But during this journey, we will be tempted by our own sinful thoughts and desires, just as Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert. But like Jesus, we are also led by the Spirit. This gives us the strength and courage to resist anything that leads us away from God and to say yes to the things that bring us closer to the Lord.
During Lenten season and as followers of the Lord, we are called to die to ourselves. This is the only way that Jesus can be raised up in us. We are to die to our selfish desires, our need for control, our tendency to make judgments about others. By dying to ourselves and putting these things aside, we answer the call to a life of repentance and conversion. We pray, fast, and do charitable acts for those in need. Lent is the time to live as Jesus lived, pray as Jesus prayed, and fast and gives alms as he would have us do. This is how the light and love of Christ shines through us.
Lent is the time to live as Jesus lived, pray as Jesus prayed, and fast and gives alms as he would have us do.
As we come together to celebrate the Eucharist during this holy season, let us follow the example of Jesus and answer the invitation to fast, pray, and care for those in need. We must trust that our reward will be found in the hope of the resurrected Christ and the fulfillment of the Lord’s covenant with us. Our part of this covenant because reality when we strive to follow the ways of the son and our savior, Jesus Christ. Dying to ourselves allow us to rise with Christ. This is God’s great plan of salvation for us, and the glory of God revealed.
Please know that during this Lenten season, I pray with you. I hope you will also keep the Mercy Home community in your heart and in your prayers. Be comforted in the knowledge that you too are in our hearts and prayers.
May God bless you and keep you safe during this Lenten season! And I pray your hearts are filled with the joy of our Risen Lord on this Easter Sunday!
Our young people enjoyed a dinner in celebration of the Kwanzaa holiday thanks to a committee led by youth care...
January 16, 2025
Just as the holidays bring friends and family together around the world, so too do they create togetherness and celebration...
January 6, 2025
Our young men have been participating in the 20/30 Youth Fitness Club at our West Loop Campus. Sensei Shannon Blunt...
December 20, 2024