Gabe Gets A Second Chance
There is a reason that many people have a special affinity for this time of year. Like being offered a...
January 2, 2025
August 6, 2020
Have you ever stopped to consider the words you use? You may have heard the childhood saying “sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” I think many of us have come to learn that this saying is simply not true. Names and name calling can hurt a great deal. Words and names are powerful, with significant meaning. The words and names we use to describe one another have the ability to destroy a person’s reputation and self-esteem.
At the same time, the names we call one another and the words we use to describe others can also be a wonderful source of encouragement, support, and affection. When we decide to use our words to tell someone they have done a great job, that we are proud of them, or think they are intelligent, kind, helpful, or generous, then we are using our words to enhance the lives of others and bring out the best in them.
We know the power that words and names have. And as Christians, we have the obligation to choose our words and name calling carefully. When we claim and embrace the name Christian, we take on the certain responsibility that is attached to the name from which people expect a certain kind of behavior.
This month, we will hear Jesus ask a very important question, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” The disciples respond, “Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah,
still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Jesus hears this and asks Peter and all of us perhaps one of the most profound questions each of us must grapple with and answer over time, “But who do you say that I am?”
When we name Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we take on the responsibility of showing others how we can make a profession of faith.
The way we choose to answer this question makes all the difference in the world. It did so for Peter when he answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Peter’s
insight through the grace of God changes his life forever. Because of Peter’s response, Jesus entrusts him with a great deal of responsibility. Peter is given the keys of the Kingdom of God.
When we acknowledge that Jesus is truly the Messiah and the Son of the living God, that Jesus is the Christ and the anointed one of God, then we are also able to share in an
incredible responsibility, just as Peter did. When we name Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we take on the responsibility of showing others how we can make a profession of faith. And this profession is best witnessed in the names we call one another.
As we gather to celebrate the Eucharist together this August, we come as a grateful people, filled with the knowledge that Jesus has claimed us as his own. Through the sacrament of breaking of bread, we proclaim that Jesus is Lord—and this makes all the difference.
There is a reason that many people have a special affinity for this time of year. Like being offered a...
January 2, 2025
At the end of this month, on January 31, we celebrate the feast day of Saint John Bosco. John was...
January 2, 2025
In early December we gathered around an unlit Christmas tree in our cafeteria. It was bitterly cold and dark outside!...
December 20, 2024