Fr. Scott’s Corner – Be Like Jesus’s Disciples

This month, we will celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. This is important, because Jesus instructs not just his disciples but all of us to continue doing his work here on earth. He reminds us that the action of God takes place here on earth when we help one another and work together. He says that we should not stare into the sky to look for God because God is right here with us. We are called as Christians to continue his saving work on earth and to work together with God to build his kingdom.

Jesus returns to the Father on the Feast of the Ascension. He taught us through his life, death, and resurrection from the dead how to best live our lives. We are all called to care for the needs of the poor, to reach out to strangers, to console the sick, and to be peacemakers. Through Jesus, we were taught everything we need to know, and he continues to instruct us as we gather together as a faith community at the table of the Lord to celebrate this Eucharist. May we not look to the sky, but rather to each other as we gather together to continue the mission Jesus began in our world.

During my time at Mercy Home, I have seen so many of my coworkers bring the kingdom of God to our world in the way they care for and love hurting children who desperately need it. Every day, our kids receive the hope and healing that allows them to grow and flourish. But my coworkers also bring healing to our children’s families who are in need throughout the year. And the ways that they have stepped up to do just that during the coronavirus emergency have been inspirational. It is truly a privilege to be part of Mercy Home’s incredible mission.

During this month of May, I pray you might be like Jesus’s disciples and continue the mission he began. There is no work you will do that is more important.

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