Fr. Scott’s Corner – Jesus’s Love and Sacrifice

Fr. Scott’s Corner – Jesus’s Love and Sacrifice

Happy Easter! Though our celebration of this most holy season will no doubt look very different because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I pray you find peace, comfort, and hope by worshiping with our Parish of the Airwaves throughout the month of April. I am so glad you will be joining us to bear witness to Jesus’s passion, death, and resurrection.

On  Palm Sunday, we witness Jesus entering Jerusalem, all while knowing the path that lay ahead of him. Jesus suffers for us so that we may be forgiven for our sins. He understands what is happening to him—that he must suffer and die—whereas his followers, those who are always with him, do not. In this, he is isolated from the very people who are closest to him. But, despite this, Jesus is obedient to God despite the sorrow and misunderstanding that he feels.

At the Last Supper, Jesus shares a meal with his Apostles. During this meal, they all drink  from the same cup.  Through this act of sharing, they are participating in a new covenant in which all people, not just the Apostles, will share in the experience of salvation.

Following  Jesus’s resurrection from the dead, his Apostles began sharing their experiences of the Risen Lord with others—those not within Jesus’s immediate group of followers. Because of Jesus’s death and resurrection, we as Christians are called to let Christ take hold of our hearts and allow love to take over our lives. This symbolic transition allows us to move from living in a state of darkness to living in the light. This occurs through Jesus’s example of living a life of love.

Because of Jesus’s death and resurrection, we as Christians are called to let Christ take hold of our hearts and allow love to take over our lives.

This Easter season, I pray you remember that through Jesus, we experience a relationship with the Lord, who loves us unconditionally. Also remember that it is because of Jesus’s death and resurrection that we may participate with him in his triumph over sin, evil, and death itself.

This Easter, may God’s peace, power, and presence bring a renewal of faith, hope, and peace in your life. Please know that you and your intentions have a place in my prayers, as well as the prayers of the entire Mercy Home family. On behalf of all of us here at Mercy Home, we wish you a very blessed Easter season.

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