Leilani Is No Longer Alone

So many children come to Mercy Home feeling lonely, abandoned, and lost. Leilani was no exception. When she arrived at our doors, she was weighed down by the hurt and trauma she had experienced in her past. She was distrustful of others and did not believe she was worthy of anyone’s attention or love. 

Leilani, only 16, had been let down by the adults in her life, particularly her parents. She quickly realized that there was nobody she could rely upon but herself. Leilani’s mother abused alcohol and drugs and was constantly in and out of jail. Her father was never around as Leilani grew up. With no one to watch over her or keep her safe, Leilani was removed from her home several times. She lived in various foster homes and with relatives, but never anywhere permanently. 

Because she was never in one place for long, she was enrolled in many schools as she grew up and was unable to forge lasting friendships. This led Leilani to begin skipping school frequently. When she did attend school, she often got into fights and struggled to keep up with her classes. 

Leilani began to feel like she did not belong anywhere. She was ignored at home and did not fit in at school. It is hard to imagine what Leilani must have felt like, having no permanent place she could return to at the end of each day. Feeling abandoned by those supposed to love her most, Leilani’s life continued to spiral out of control. 

Leilani searched for anything to numb the pain she was experiencing. She quickly fell in with the wrong crowd at school and joined them at wild parties. She hoped these new friends would be the family she had always longed for, but quickly discovered that they, too, were only taking advantage of her. When they let her take the fall for a party that was broken up by the police, she knew that, again, she was truly alone. 

It was when Leilani hit this low point that she sought the help of Mercy Home. She hoped that she could make a change in her life before things got worse. Even in the moments when she was unsure, our coworkers always believed that she could turn her life around. 

Now that Leilani is settled in here at Mercy Home, she has made great strides in her schoolwork. With the structure and support she is offered here, she has been attending school regularly. While she is still working on catching up with others her age, her grades have continually improved. 

Even better, Leilani has finally found the acceptance, love, and hope she had spent her life searching for. She now knows that she has a place to come home to where she is surrounded with people who care about her. Now that she is learning to trust others, Leilani finds it easier to focus on the future. She hopes to graduate high school and someday become a chef. 

I am truly thankful to you, our Partners in Prayer, for remembering children like Leilani in your prayers and providing them with the support they need to overcome the hurt and trauma they have faced in their young lives. Because of you, they can look toward brighter futures.

Please note: Because we care deeply about protecting our children’s privacy, the names and certain identifying details in this story have been changed. 

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