Kit Owns The Stage

Each day at Mercy Home, there’s a chance for a new beginning. It could be a budding friendship over dinner, a breakthrough in therapy, or a new book from the library. For our young people, though, sometimes beginnings can be scary. But they can also be filled with hope!

One child’s Mercy Home journey began just like this. Now seventeen, Kit came to Mercy Home in the fall of her freshman year of high school. A new beginning! But while most kids were looking forward to Homecoming and Friday night football, Kit’s home life was much more unpredictable. Behind closed doors, her mother struggled to make ends meet after her parent’s divorce. Years ago, her father moved out to start a new family.

Kit, her brother, and her mother hadn’t heard from him in years. The loss devastated Kit’s brother the hardest. His anger caused him to rebel against their mother and begin experimenting with drugs to cope, eventually leading to a stay in an addiction center. With Kit’s father gone and her mother managing her brother’s addiction, Kit often felt alone.

“It was like I was all by myself, and no one saw how much I was struggling. I was sad and nervous all the time, especially in school,” Kit said.

One day, Kit’s freshman English teacher pulled her aside to talk about the recent drop in her grade. Kit explained to her teacher that she was having trouble sleeping, but nothing else. But her teacher took a risk and asked Kit more questions. Eventually, Kit also revealed that she often went to bed hungry, couldn’t afford school supplies, and generally felt like she didn’t have anyone to talk to. When she talked to her mom, Kit’s mother said she should be grateful she’s not like her brother.

Thankfully, Mercy Home works to make our mission well-known in the community. Kit’s teacher recalled Mercy Home and set up a meeting.

Around Halloween, Kit faced another new beginning by moving into our Home. According to Kit, it was a scary beginning at first.

“I was worried that I wouldn’t be listened to, but I was so wrong,” she said.

At Mercy Home, our resources were an immediate help for Kit and her mother. In family counseling, our therapists were able to help Kit and her mother to have a more open and understanding relationship. Kit’s mother also received support from our Community Care program. In her individual therapy sessions, Kit worked through the trauma she suffered and began a journey toward hope.

At Mercy Home, Kit was listened to and affirmed for the first time in years. She had new friends to share stories with, and adults who could be positive role models for her. Kit also benefited from structured tutoring hours. Her tutors helped her discover her strengths and areas of improvement. Her English teacher was so proud of her growth!

By the spring, Kit earned her spot on the Honor Roll! And, with her newfound voice, she stepped into yet another new beginning by auditioning for the school play. Usually uncomfortable in the spotlight, Kit and our team of caring coworkers helped her to own this stage of young adulthood despite her many hardships.

New beginnings don’t always carry risk. But for our kids, beginning their journey at Mercy Home may be the biggest risk they’ve taken in their young lives. But with the help of a loving community, a warm, safe place to live, and loving friends like you, we can make this beginning a little less scary. We’re so thankful for the friendship and support of our donors who give new beginnings like Kit’s a happy ending!

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