head shot of Emily Neal, LCSW

Emily Neal, LCSW

Vice President, Organizational Development and Clinical Operations

Mercy Home for Boys & Girls

Emily Neal, LCSW, is the Vice President of Organizational Development and Clinical Operations at Mercy Home for Boys & Girls. She has been with Mercy Home since 2002 and held numerous positions at the agency including Therapist, Contracted Clinical Supervisor, Manager of Training, Director of Admissions, and Clinical Director. She received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Chicago in 2002.

Her work and training has focused on providing trauma-informed interventions to children, adolescents, young adults, and families in a variety of settings, including residential treatment, outpatient mental health, schools, and juvenile corrections. Emily is a faculty member of the Complex Trauma Treatment Network and the founder and convener of the IL ARC Consortium.  Emily is a certified to train the ARC Framework, the National Resource Center for Youth Services’ Residential Child and Youth Care Professional Curriculum and is certified in the Child Trauma Academy’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT).

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