head shot of Marc Velasquez, MFA

Marc Velasquez, MFA

Director of MercyWorks and Spiritual Development

Mercy Home for Boys & Girls

Marc Velasquez, Manager of Spiritual Development, has been with Mercy Home for Boys & Girls since 2013. Prior to his work at Mercy Home, Marc worked with persons experiencing homelessness in Boston, college students interested in learning about social justice, and incarcerated individuals in Belize. Marc earned a MFA from Emerson College, and studied English, Philosophy and Theology as an undergrad at Boston College. During his time at Mercy Home, Marc has intentionally shaped spiritual programming that is responsive to both trauma and spiritual dissonance. He insures that spiritual programming at Mercy Home is Youth centered. Outside of work, he enjoys reading, writing, board games, logic puzzles, and playing whatever games his two children invent.

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