Fourth Sunday of Easter

Homily Video

Fourth Sunday of Easter Homily Transcript

As so many of you know, we have one of the most beautiful art museums in the world on Michigan Avenue here in Chicago. It’s magnificent with wonderful treasures. I can remember going back almost 30 years ago. The Vatican sent over some its great art treasures to the museum here in Chicago for display.
I can go in my mind’s eye and I remember visiting the museum. There was one piece of statutory from the Vatican museum that really caught me attention. It was magnificent. It’s only later that I came to know that it is the oldest statue of Jesus in history. It’s from the second century. It’s a statue of Jesus, who is carrying a sheep on his shoulders. He’s a young Jesus. He’s a shepherd and he is beardless. It’s absolutely beautiful.

As you look at it, there’s one thing that’s a little particular about the statue. Jesus’s hands. His hands are enormous holding onto the sheep. Far larger than the rest of the proportion of his body. The artist did that for a reason. There’s no doubt about it.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, grasping onto the sheep that is over his shoulder, as if to say to everybody who was looking at this beautiful statue, to say to us, “I am the Good Shepherd and nobody will snatch you from me. You belong to me. You listen to my voice as we hear in the Gospel and you follow me. I protect you and I love you. I want you to follow in the fold, not just to follow in the fold, but to be a disciple, to hear my voice. Not simply to hear the voice, but to integrate the voice. Hear the word integrated into your lives. Follow in my way and bring the good news of the Easter season, the good news of the Resurrection, the good news of God’s love, my love for you and share it with others.”


First Reading:

Acts 2:14a, 36-41

Second Reading:

1 Peter 2:20b-25


John 10:1-10 (49)