The Most Holy Trinity

Homily Video

The Most Holy Trinity Homily Transcript

I remember as a child going to many family weddings with my two brothers and at one point in the evening, everyone would gather around the bride and groom and they would sing this traditional song “Let me call you sweetheart”. How many of you remember that song and that tradition? It’s one that we don’t see very often at weddings today. But I remember that my brothers and myself would always laugh and giggle because we’d say “It’s time for that dance” and we had a name for it. We called it “The Love Dance”.
Today’s feast of the holy trinity is a beautiful reminder that in the mystery of the trinity, we humans are invited to participate in this kind of beautiful love dance. Our readings today tell us about God who is gracious and wants to share God’s divine life with us. God so loved us we hear in the scripture, that God gave us Jesus. God’s son so that the world might be saved.
I want us to think about something today and that is our relationship with the trinity. This relationship of love and unity is meant to be reflected in our relationships as we walk through life with one another. It starts with our choice to believe and then if you will to enter into this love dance so to speak by sharing faith, hope and love with one another.
Sometimes that feels impossible for us as humans. We experience hurt and broken relationships. We see a lack of graciousness in others. We experience selfishness. We come across hearts that are hardened by anger and bitterness. That’s exactly where we need to be sure to participate in this divine love dance and bring that graciousness of God’s love and the example of God’s healing and peace to flesh. When we choose to believe, when we choose to participate as best we can in that divine love dance, we have then the true promise and hope of eternal life. That’s the great mystery of the trinity and that choice is ours.


First Reading:

Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9/2

Second Reading:

Corinthians 13:11-13


John 3:16-18 (164)

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