Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Homily Video
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript
Not too long ago, my niece and her husband, Jessica and Mike, were expecting a baby. And I know that when the baby arrives, we were all of course excited. And of course, right away when a new baby arrives, our questions are on is the baby healthy? How much does he weigh? What is his name? And so we got all that information. We didn’t get his name right away, but we got it. And I remember when we got his name, it was like, okay, it is, I think is Joey. And it was like, okay, Joe. And right away, the importance of his name meant so much to course, his parents who chose his name, but to all of us in the family. When we can name something or someone. It brings it very personal to us and the significance of that. Of course, I think of that story, and the joy of the birth, the announcement would I think today’s Gospel story Because here it is john the baptist, who when he was born, there was a controversy about how he was going to be named, who he was going to be named, what name was going to be given to him. Here he is the forerunner of the Lord Jesus. And here he is now in the Gospel, pointing Jesus out, calling him by name, identifying him, behold, the Son of God, behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. How important is that, for us, to follow his good example, to find those opportunities in our lifetime. Maybe in the beginning of this new year, when we can identify and come to know Jesus, come to know who he is, honor his holy name, and treasure that name and allow Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, to come into our life and to teach us who he is, so we can tell others of his good news. But of course for us to experience the call of conversion, and grace to hear that baptismal call or were called by name, to announce his good news, the good news that he brings to us in this new year.
First Reading:
Isaiah 49:3, 5-6
Second Reading:
1 Corinthians 1:1-3
John 1:29-34
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A special thank you to our congregation from the Divine Mercy Crusade.
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