Second Sunday of Easter

Homily Video

Second Sunday of Easter Homily Transcript

Well, with the memories of Easter Sunday still in our minds and hearts, no doubt, that lifts our spirits really, as we celebrate the Risen Lord here at Master, the Lord’s passover from death to life. And we recommit ourselves every day to this Paschal mystery of the glorious risen Jesus each and every Sunday.

What a special time for us to be here to really celebrate that living hope, that divine mercy and peace that God brings to us. And we’re so fortunate today here at Mercy Home to reflect on these readings on Divine Mercy Sunday, how beautiful, right?

My Lord and my God, those are the words of Thomas, Saint Thomas today spoken to the risen Christ who appeared to him. It is wonderful how patient Jesus was and was consistent at pursuing him, being persistent in showing his mercy to him. He showed him the wounds at his hands and his side, and he asked Thomas not to be persistent in unbelief but to believe. Jesus also said to Thomas, “Blessed are those “who have not seen and yet believe.”

Well, behind the locked doors in the upper room, that’s where the disciples were. They were praying but they were afraid. The merciful Jesus is not bothered by the locked doors, but goes right to those obstacles and offers the gift of peace. That same peace that was given to them is given to us today and that causes us to rejoice and be glad for his love and mercy endures forever.

Today, in the letter from Saint Peter we hear, Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope, to the resurrection of Jesus. As we celebrate mass today, let’s celebrate that living hope before we receive the Lord Jesus. We call upon him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, grant us peace.

It’s fitting then, here at Mercy Home that we should also pray that beautiful prayer we pray for the gift of mercy for the boys and girls here. We pray for God’s mercy and blessings upon them, may they see God’s mercy in action through our love, our prayers, our sacrifice.


First Reading:

Acts 2:42-47

Second Reading:

1 Peter 1:3-9


John 20:19-31

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