The Most Holy Trinity
Homily Video
The Most Holy Trinity Homily Transcript
Every time we gather and we pray, every time we pray in private we always begin by acknowledging the Blessed Trinity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
One God and three persons. A mystery that we’re told. How do we begin to speak about God?
One of the greatest descriptions of God, or the greatest words is that God is ineffable. Meaning God is beyond any understanding that we, as human persons can have. And as distant as that sounds, God makes his dwelling right within each of us. So we use images and then we have the person of Jesus.
When St. Patrick was out converting the- Ireland, he used an image. He used a three-leaf clover as an image to talk about God, to talk about the Blessed Trinity. One God, three persons– as in a three leaf clover. Father, Son, Spirit. It helps us with some understanding.
Perhaps at another way of looking at this awesome God that is in our hearts and in our lives that we celebrate at this eucharist, is to talk about what God does. Kind of interesting.
God the father, as the creator of all things. God is the creator. Jesus, God’s word made flesh. Comes and lives among us and teaches us how life can best be lived.
There’s a line in the scripture: “If you want to see the Father, look at me.” Jesus says. “And look at my actions in the world. Look at what I have come to teach and invite you to participate in, in bringing about the kingdom of God through healing and through forgiveness. And by being expressions of God’s love.”
The Holy Spirit, the sanctifier of all of life. It is the sanctifier, the Holy Spirit that reminds us and invites us and encourages us to come together and to pray. Creator. Redeemer. Sanctifier.
On this day, we sit back as it were, we ponder the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. God who is love. God who is father and son and holy spirit.
God, who comes and dwells within us as creator. As the one who is the redeemer and the one who sanctifies our lives.
First Reading:
Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9
Second Reading:
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
John 3:16-18
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A special thank you to our congregation from St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Constance, St. Rosalie, St. Ferdinand, St. John Brebeuf, and St. Pascal Parishes in Chicago.
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