Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday Mass - Sep 27, 2020 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Tom Baldonieri
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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

Hard to believe, just looking at the calendar in a few days we’ll be celebrating autumn and the change of seasons, I guess.

Moving to autumn, that experience in the change of seasons reminds us that changes is always around us and yet sometimes we can go through the day to day tasks, sometimes we’re not even thinking about it.

I think about that too now, lately, when we’re asked to agree to the terms and conditions -just sign here or click here. And then as you open what the terms of conditions are you see this long list of, you know, instructions and things and sometimes if you’re like me probably don’t even read it- just go ‘click’ and agree.

Often times I think of that, the way that we say yes and no. Sometimes our yes is not authentic or our no’s as well. When we think of that today when we reflect on the gospel story that Jesus gives. He gives it to the, to the chief priests and the scribes. He give it to the so called teachers of the law. As he’s reminding them that when John the Baptist came they pretty much didn’t follow his example. Yet, those so called, the ones who were sinners did. They followed his command to reform their lives, be ready for the Messiah as he comes.

So we reflect today, as the chief priest and scribes were given an important lesson by Jesus. As Jesus tells the story of the man who had two sons. Both of them are asked to go to work, to go to work in the vineyard. To go out there and work. The one says, “No,” and then later regrets that decision and then does the work. The other says, “Yes,” but never does it.

Now, if you and I are honest with one another we can see ourselves in each of these sons. We’re children of God, aren’t we?  And those times in our lives too, that we’re not always authentic in the call that God gives to us. Authentic in answering, “Yes,” to what God calls us to.

Our authentic call to obedience is something we have to live out each day because it is the call of the disciple in the modern world today. Say “Yes” to Jesus, through the path of discipleship.

Well, we don’t have to look too far for the example of that yes. St. Paul reminds us to look to Jesus. Jesus the Son of God. His obedience in saying ‘Yes’ to the will of the Father.

St. Paul’s letter reminds us his yes was seen in the, as Jesus, although he was in the form of God he empties himself taking the sins of the world to the cross. Our ‘Yes,’ our ‘Amen’ helps us to have humble hope as we look to the example of the Lord today and the eucharist as he continues to work, even through our fears and our struggles.

It is the call to discipleship in the modern world today no matter what season, no matter what time. Our yes, our amended Jesus, today in the eucharist is requested of us. Not only here and now; but every day, every time, and every season.


First Reading:

Ezekiel 18:25-28

Second Reading:

Phillipians 2:1-11 or 2:1-5


Matthew 21:28-32

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