Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Homily Video
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript
I think many of you know i’ve had the privilege of being a priest in the archdiocese of Chicago
for 41 years now. Part of my ministry for at least 10 years was director of vocations for the archdiocese. Vocations is a large term used in the church. The vocation to the single state, to the married life, to the consecrated life, to religious life, to the diaconate, and to the priesthood. A call that is given from God, we listen to the call, and we follow in the invitation. Actually, the word “vocation” itself comes from the latin word “vocari.” Means it’s a call. A call to listen, to discern, to follow. To use the gifts given to us by God to serve God’s people.
In the gospel today, there are disciples of john Who begin to follow Jesus. And he asks them, “What are you looking for? What are you looking for?” and they want to know more About the lord. And so, his invitation, His call to them is, “Come and see. Come and follow me. Come and see where i live.” All of us through our baptism Have been called to follow as disciples of the lord. To carry the flame of faith. And as I said, to use the gifts and talents that God has given to us. Listening to the call.
And when we listen to the call, an act of listening to the call of the lord In our lives, when we follow, he takes us to the same place That he took his disciples. Come and see. I’ll show you. He takes them into the lives of the rich and the poor. The sick and the healthy. For those who are in the inside and for those Who are on the outside. He brings people, He brings us through our vocations in life. Our discipleship in following him. And leads all of us into the mystery and to the very heart of God. He leads us to the place Where we’re told Over and over and over again That God loves us. And in return to share that love with others.
As we celebrate eucharist, we give thanks and we praise God for the call, for listening to that call and to follow in the ways of Jesus as disciples.
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