Second Sunday of Advent

Full Mass Video

Second Sunday of Advent Homily Transcript

∫ [Music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the second Sunday of advent. 

My name is Dan Riley. 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Maudette Carr, 

And our celebrant is Father Carl Morello. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ And all people will see ∫ 

∫ The salvation of our God. ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ And all people will see ∫ 

∫ The salvation of our God. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia , alleluia . ∫ 

In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. 


May the grace, the peace, the love of God be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

As we prepare ourselves to enter into this liturgy, 

Let us remember the salvation of God 

Calling to mind our sins. 

Lord Jesus, you will come as son of God and son of Mary. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

Christ Jesus, we trust your love 

To heal the wounds of our sin and division. 

Christ, have mercy. 

-Christ, have mercy. 

And Lord Jesus, you are with us now 

As we gather in our strength and in faith and hope. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

May almighty God who loves us 

Have mercy on us, forgive us any of our sins, 

And one day bring us to what the eucharist points toward, 

The banquet of everlasting life. 


A reading from the book of the prophet Baruch. 

Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery. 

Put on the splendor of glory from God forever, 

Wrapped in the cloak of justice from God. 

Bear on your head the miter that displays 

The glory of the eternal name. 

For God will show all the earth your splendor. 

You will be named by God forever, 

The peace of justice, the glory of God’s worship. 

Up Jerusalem, stand upon the heights. 

Look to the east and see your children, 

Gathered from the east and the west 

At the word of the holy one, 

Rejoicing that they are remembered by God. 

Let away on foot by their enemies, they left you. 

But God will bring them back to you, 

Born aloft in glory as on royal thrones. 

For God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low 

And that the age-old depths and gorges be filled to level ground, 

That Israel may advance secure in the glory of God. 

The forest and every fragrant kind of tree 

Have overshadowed Israel at God’s command. 

For God is leading Israel in joy by the light of his glory 

With his mercy and justice for company. 

The word of the Lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ When the Lord brought back the exiles of Zion, ∫ 

∫ We thought we were dreaming. ∫ 

∫ Then was our mouth filled with laughter ∫ 

∫ On our tongues, songs of joy. ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians. 

Brothers and sisters, I pray always with joy 

In my every prayer for all of you 

Because of your partnership for the gospel 

From the first day until now. 

I am confident of this that the one who began 

A good work in you will continue to complete it 

Until the day of Christ Jesus. 

God is my witness how i long for all 

Of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. 

And this is my prayer that your love may increase ever more 

And more in knowledge 

And every kind of perception to discern what is of value 

So that you may be pure and blameless 

For the day of Christ 

Filled with the fruit of righteousness 

That comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. 

The word of the Lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths: ∫ 

∫ All flesh shall see the salvation of God. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

Brothers and sisters in faith, the Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

This is a reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke. 

-Glory to you, o Lord. 

In the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, 

When Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea and Herod, 

Tetrarch of Galilee, 

And his brother Philip, tetrarch of the region 

Of Eitoria and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Albalin. 

During the high priesthood of annas and Caiaphas, 

The word of God came to John, the son of Zecariah, in the desert. 

John went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, 

Proclaiming a baptism of repentance 

For the forgiveness of sin, 

As is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah. 

A voice of one crying out in the desert, 

“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. 

Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low. 

The winding road shall be made straight, 

And the rough ways made smooth. 

And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” 

The gospel of the Lord. 

-Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. 


So has anyone here ever known, or maybe you are living with a closet slob? Max Licado in his book, ‘In The Grip of Grace,’ He tells this interesting story of a man who had been a closet slob all of his life, and he just couldn’t comprehend the logic of neatness. 

Why make a bed in the morning if you’re going to be using it again that night? Why put a lid on the toothpaste tub if you’re going to take it off again later for sure the next morning? And so the man admitted to being compulsive about being messy. 

Then he got married. And his wife was patient. She said she didn’t mind his habits if he didn’t mind sleeping on the couch. He did mind. And he began working on changing. 

And so he enrolled himself in a 12-step program for slobs. And a physical therapist helped him rediscover muscles used for hanging up his shirts and placing toilet paper on the holder. His nose was reintroduced to the smell of pine-sol. And by the time his in-laws arrived for a visit, he was a new man. 

Then came a moment of truth. His wife went out of town for a week. And at first he reverted to his old ways. He figured he could be a slob for six days and clean on the seventh. 

But something happened. It was strange. He could no longer relax with dirty dishes in the sink or towels flung around the bathroom or clothes on the floor or sheets piled up like a mountain on the bed. What happened? 

It was simple. He had been exposed to a better standard of living. And friends, that’s what Jesus does. 

We read in today’s gospel that the word of God came to John the Baptist in the wilderness. He went through the whole Jordan district proclaiming a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sin. 

Well, what does this all mean for us practically speaking? From the very beginning, Jesus clearly stated that his call to us to follow him and his appeal for us to transform our lives. These are inseparable. 

To follow Jesus is to change your life. Each of us without exception needs to do better. To think better, pray better, share better, love better, care better than ever before. And so the readings remind us if we want to be in God’s future, that will be determined by what we are doing now in the present. Abounding in love, valuing the things that really matter, harvesting the fruits of justice, acknowledging our failures, and making amends. 

If we want to have these great things of God in our hearts, we must put our whole hearts into what matters to God. 

And so today, I ask you to consider into what situation or into whose life is God leading you to put your heart into this advent season. 


As a people with a heart to follow Jesus, 

Let us profess in the apostles’ creed. 

I believe in God, the father almighty, 

Creator of heaven and earth. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, 

Who was conceived by the power of the holy spirit 

And born of the Virgin Mary. 

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, 

Was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended to the dead, and the third day he rose again. 

He ascended into heaven 

And is seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, 

The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, 

The resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. 


With a heart to follow God and to care for one another, 

We bring our prayers and needs before the Lord. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord, hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father 

And those who minister throughout the world, 

May their words and works 

Bring peace and goodwill to all people 

During this advent season. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who are anxious about life, 

May they find hope through a growing awareness 

Of God’s unconditional love for each one of us. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For the children of Mercy Home, 

May this beautiful season of advent 

Fill their lives with Christ’s love and light. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For families where there is division and tension, 

May the true spirit of Christmas touch their hearts 

And lead to healing and peace. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

Loving God, hear the prayers that we bring before you 

With open minds and hearts as we pray always, 

Asking for strength through Christ our Lord. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

Through the mingling of water and wine, 

We share the divinity of Christ 

Who humbled himself to share our humanity. 

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation, 

For through your goodness we have bread to offer 

Which earth has given, human hands have made, 

May it become for us the bread of life, 

Blessed be God forever. 

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation, 

Through your goodness we have wine to offer, 

Fruit of the vine, work of human hands, 

May it become our spiritual drink, 

Blessed be God forever. 

Lord wash away my iniquities, cleanse me of all sin. 

∫ [Music continues] ∫ 

We pray together in faith that these gifts of bread and wine 

Offered now be acceptable 

To our almighty and loving God. 

May the Lord accept the sacrifice at our hands 

For the praise and glory of God’s name, 

For our good and the good of all God’s holy church. 

Be pleased, o Lord, with our humble prayers and offerings, 

And since we have no merits to plead our cause, 

Come, we pray, to our rescue 

With the protection of your mercy 

Through Christ our Lord. 


The Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

-We lift them up to the Lord. 

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. 

-It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, 

Always and everywhere to give you thanks, 

Lord, almighty and eternal God through Christ our Lord. 

For he assumed at his first coming 

The lowliness of human flesh, and so fulfilled the design 

You formed long ago 

And opened for us the way to eternal salvation. 

That when he comes again in glory and majesty, 

And all is at last manifest, we who watch for that day 

May inherit the great promise in which now we dare to hope. 

And so with all the choirs of angels and saints, 

We sing this hymn to your glory. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts. ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o Lord, the fount of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts, we pray, 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall, 

So that they may become for us 

The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly 

Into his passion, he took bread 

And giving thanks, broke it. 

He gave it to the disciples saying, 

“Take this, all of you, eat of it. 

This is my body given up for you.” 

In a similar way, when the supper ended, 

He took the chalice and once more giving thanks. 

He gave it to the disciples saying, 

“Take this, all of you, drink from it. 

For this is the chalice of my blood, 

The blood of the new eternal covenant. 

It will be poured out for you and for many 

For the forgiveness of sin. 

Do this in memory of me.” 

The mystery of our faith. 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup, ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o Lord, until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore as we celebrate the memorial 

Of his death and resurrection, we offer you, Lord, 

The bread of life and the chalice of salvation, 

Giving thanks that you have held us worthy 

To be in your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

Remember Lord your church spread throughout the world. 

Bring her to the fullness of charity 

Together with Francis our Pope, 

Blas… our archbishop, 

And all who minister in your church everywhere. 

Remember all our brothers and sisters, 

Those who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, 

And all who have died in your mercy, 

Welcome them into the light of your face. 

Have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God, 

With Joseph, her spouse, 

With the blessed apostles and all the saints 

Who have pleased you throughout the ages, 

We may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life 

And praise and glorify you through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him, with him, and in him, 

O God, almighty father, 

In the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor are yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen. ∫ 

With confidence, let us pray. 

Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, 

On earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread, 

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those 

Who have trespassed against us, 

And lead us not into temptation, 

But deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil 

And graciously grant peace in our day. 

By the help of your mercy may we be free from sin, 

And safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope 

And the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. 

Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, my peace i give you,” 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church, 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, 

Who live and reigns forever and ever. 


The peace of the Lord be with you always. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us share with each other a gesture of peace. 

To all of you at home from all of us 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

We wish you the peace, the strength, the love of Christ. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

As we wait and hope, we also live and hope for Jesus, 

The lamb of God is here among us. 

Blessed and strengthened are we 

Sharing now the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

May the body of Christ, may the blood of Christ 

Keep us safe for everlasting life. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, please turn to page six 

In your tv mass guide and join in singing our communion song, 

“Where the promise shines.” 

∫ When a star is shining over eastern hills, ∫ 

∫ When the air is silent and the clamor stills, ∫ 

∫ When the night is waiting and the old hopes rise, ∫ 

∫ Then the time has ripened and the heart grows wise. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Where the world is waiting for an unknown day, ∫ 

∫ Where a voice forgotten cries, “prepare the way!” ∫ 

∫ Where an earthly power makes the heart turn cold, ∫ 

∫ There the gifts are offered, incense, myrrh and gold. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

I invite you now to pray with me 

The prayer for the children of Mercy Home. 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will guide, 

Protect, and bless all Boys and Girls 

Who this day have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy as we offer them our hearts 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 

May they seek God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

We pray be pleased, o Lord, now with our humble prayers 

Replenished by the food of spiritual nourishment, 

We humbly beseech you, o Lord, 

That through our partaking in this mystery 

You may teach us to judge wisely 

The things of earth and hold firm to the things of heaven 

And we ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. 

The Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us bow our heads now and ask God’s blessing. 

As we go forward may God bless and strengthen us 

So that we can bring true peace and hope into our lives and to our world 

By loving and caring more deeply for one another. 

In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. 


We go in peace to love and serve God 

By our continued care for each other. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ All people that on earth do dwell, ∫ 

∫ Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; ∫ 

∫ Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell. ∫ 

∫ Come we before him and rejoice… ∫ 

Hello, my friends. 

As you know, as i know, 

This tv ministry at Mercy Home is so important. 

It allows us to gather wherever you may be. 

To participate in the prayer of the church. 

It allows us to pray for one another 

And how important it is. 

It allows you and me to pray for the children 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

We’re nourished by our presence together 

And by the celebration of the eucharist. 

I just want to take this opportunity 

To thank you so very much 

For the ways in which you support this mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Please consider doing that going forward as well. 

May God bless you and your family and your friends 

For all you do for the tv mass at Mercy Home and for our children. 

The music for the broadcast of ‘Sunday Mass at Mercy Home’ 

Is generously provided by G-I-A Publications Incorporated 

And its World Library Publications Division. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Homily Video

Second Sunday of Advent Homily Transcript

∫ [Music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the second Sunday of advent. 

My name is Dan Riley. 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Maudette Carr, 

And our celebrant is Father Carl Morello. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ And all people will see ∫ 

∫ The salvation of our God. ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ And all people will see ∫ 

∫ The salvation of our God. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia , alleluia . ∫ 

In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. 


May the grace, the peace, the love of God be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

As we prepare ourselves to enter into this liturgy, 

Let us remember the salvation of God 

Calling to mind our sins. 

Lord Jesus, you will come as son of God and son of Mary. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

Christ Jesus, we trust your love 

To heal the wounds of our sin and division. 

Christ, have mercy. 

-Christ, have mercy. 

And Lord Jesus, you are with us now 

As we gather in our strength and in faith and hope. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

May almighty God who loves us 

Have mercy on us, forgive us any of our sins, 

And one day bring us to what the eucharist points toward, 

The banquet of everlasting life. 


A reading from the book of the prophet Baruch. 

Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery. 

Put on the splendor of glory from God forever, 

Wrapped in the cloak of justice from God. 

Bear on your head the miter that displays 

The glory of the eternal name. 

For God will show all the earth your splendor. 

You will be named by God forever, 

The peace of justice, the glory of God’s worship. 

Up Jerusalem, stand upon the heights. 

Look to the east and see your children, 

Gathered from the east and the west 

At the word of the holy one, 

Rejoicing that they are remembered by God. 

Let away on foot by their enemies, they left you. 

But God will bring them back to you, 

Born aloft in glory as on royal thrones. 

For God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low 

And that the age-old depths and gorges be filled to level ground, 

That Israel may advance secure in the glory of God. 

The forest and every fragrant kind of tree 

Have overshadowed Israel at God’s command. 

For God is leading Israel in joy by the light of his glory 

With his mercy and justice for company. 

The word of the Lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ When the Lord brought back the exiles of Zion, ∫ 

∫ We thought we were dreaming. ∫ 

∫ Then was our mouth filled with laughter ∫ 

∫ On our tongues, songs of joy. ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians. 

Brothers and sisters, I pray always with joy 

In my every prayer for all of you 

Because of your partnership for the gospel 

From the first day until now. 

I am confident of this that the one who began 

A good work in you will continue to complete it 

Until the day of Christ Jesus. 

God is my witness how i long for all 

Of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. 

And this is my prayer that your love may increase ever more 

And more in knowledge 

And every kind of perception to discern what is of value 

So that you may be pure and blameless 

For the day of Christ 

Filled with the fruit of righteousness 

That comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. 

The word of the Lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths: ∫ 

∫ All flesh shall see the salvation of God. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

Brothers and sisters in faith, the Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

This is a reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke. 

-Glory to you, o Lord. 

In the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, 

When Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea and Herod, 

Tetrarch of Galilee, 

And his brother Philip, tetrarch of the region 

Of Eitoria and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Albalin. 

During the high priesthood of annas and Caiaphas, 

The word of God came to John, the son of Zecariah, in the desert. 

John went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, 

Proclaiming a baptism of repentance 

For the forgiveness of sin, 

As is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah. 

A voice of one crying out in the desert, 

“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. 

Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low. 

The winding road shall be made straight, 

And the rough ways made smooth. 

And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” 

The gospel of the Lord. 

-Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. 


So has anyone here ever known, or maybe you are living with a closet slob? Max Licado in his book, ‘In The Grip of Grace,’ He tells this interesting story of a man who had been a closet slob all of his life, and he just couldn’t comprehend the logic of neatness. 

Why make a bed in the morning if you’re going to be using it again that night? Why put a lid on the toothpaste tub if you’re going to take it off again later for sure the next morning? And so the man admitted to being compulsive about being messy. 

Then he got married. And his wife was patient. She said she didn’t mind his habits if he didn’t mind sleeping on the couch. He did mind. And he began working on changing. 

And so he enrolled himself in a 12-step program for slobs. And a physical therapist helped him rediscover muscles used for hanging up his shirts and placing toilet paper on the holder. His nose was reintroduced to the smell of pine-sol. And by the time his in-laws arrived for a visit, he was a new man. 

Then came a moment of truth. His wife went out of town for a week. And at first he reverted to his old ways. He figured he could be a slob for six days and clean on the seventh. 

But something happened. It was strange. He could no longer relax with dirty dishes in the sink or towels flung around the bathroom or clothes on the floor or sheets piled up like a mountain on the bed. What happened? 

It was simple. He had been exposed to a better standard of living. And friends, that’s what Jesus does. 

We read in today’s gospel that the word of God came to John the Baptist in the wilderness. He went through the whole Jordan district proclaiming a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sin. 

Well, what does this all mean for us practically speaking? From the very beginning, Jesus clearly stated that his call to us to follow him and his appeal for us to transform our lives. These are inseparable. 

To follow Jesus is to change your life. Each of us without exception needs to do better. To think better, pray better, share better, love better, care better than ever before. And so the readings remind us if we want to be in God’s future, that will be determined by what we are doing now in the present. Abounding in love, valuing the things that really matter, harvesting the fruits of justice, acknowledging our failures, and making amends. 

If we want to have these great things of God in our hearts, we must put our whole hearts into what matters to God. 

And so today, I ask you to consider into what situation or into whose life is God leading you to put your heart into this advent season. 


As a people with a heart to follow Jesus, 

Let us profess in the apostles’ creed. 

I believe in God, the father almighty, 

Creator of heaven and earth. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, 

Who was conceived by the power of the holy spirit 

And born of the Virgin Mary. 

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, 

Was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended to the dead, and the third day he rose again. 

He ascended into heaven 

And is seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, 

The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, 

The resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. 


With a heart to follow God and to care for one another, 

We bring our prayers and needs before the Lord. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord, hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father 

And those who minister throughout the world, 

May their words and works 

Bring peace and goodwill to all people 

During this advent season. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who are anxious about life, 

May they find hope through a growing awareness 

Of God’s unconditional love for each one of us. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For the children of Mercy Home, 

May this beautiful season of advent 

Fill their lives with Christ’s love and light. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For families where there is division and tension, 

May the true spirit of Christmas touch their hearts 

And lead to healing and peace. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

Loving God, hear the prayers that we bring before you 

With open minds and hearts as we pray always, 

Asking for strength through Christ our Lord. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

Through the mingling of water and wine, 

We share the divinity of Christ 

Who humbled himself to share our humanity. 

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation, 

For through your goodness we have bread to offer 

Which earth has given, human hands have made, 

May it become for us the bread of life, 

Blessed be God forever. 

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation, 

Through your goodness we have wine to offer, 

Fruit of the vine, work of human hands, 

May it become our spiritual drink, 

Blessed be God forever. 

Lord wash away my iniquities, cleanse me of all sin. 

∫ [Music continues] ∫ 

We pray together in faith that these gifts of bread and wine 

Offered now be acceptable 

To our almighty and loving God. 

May the Lord accept the sacrifice at our hands 

For the praise and glory of God’s name, 

For our good and the good of all God’s holy church. 

Be pleased, o Lord, with our humble prayers and offerings, 

And since we have no merits to plead our cause, 

Come, we pray, to our rescue 

With the protection of your mercy 

Through Christ our Lord. 


The Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

-We lift them up to the Lord. 

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. 

-It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, 

Always and everywhere to give you thanks, 

Lord, almighty and eternal God through Christ our Lord. 

For he assumed at his first coming 

The lowliness of human flesh, and so fulfilled the design 

You formed long ago 

And opened for us the way to eternal salvation. 

That when he comes again in glory and majesty, 

And all is at last manifest, we who watch for that day 

May inherit the great promise in which now we dare to hope. 

And so with all the choirs of angels and saints, 

We sing this hymn to your glory. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts. ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o Lord, the fount of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts, we pray, 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall, 

So that they may become for us 

The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly 

Into his passion, he took bread 

And giving thanks, broke it. 

He gave it to the disciples saying, 

“Take this, all of you, eat of it. 

This is my body given up for you.” 

In a similar way, when the supper ended, 

He took the chalice and once more giving thanks. 

He gave it to the disciples saying, 

“Take this, all of you, drink from it. 

For this is the chalice of my blood, 

The blood of the new eternal covenant. 

It will be poured out for you and for many 

For the forgiveness of sin. 

Do this in memory of me.” 

The mystery of our faith. 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup, ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o Lord, until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore as we celebrate the memorial 

Of his death and resurrection, we offer you, Lord, 

The bread of life and the chalice of salvation, 

Giving thanks that you have held us worthy 

To be in your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

Remember Lord your church spread throughout the world. 

Bring her to the fullness of charity 

Together with Francis our Pope, 

Blas… our archbishop, 

And all who minister in your church everywhere. 

Remember all our brothers and sisters, 

Those who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, 

And all who have died in your mercy, 

Welcome them into the light of your face. 

Have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God, 

With Joseph, her spouse, 

With the blessed apostles and all the saints 

Who have pleased you throughout the ages, 

We may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life 

And praise and glorify you through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him, with him, and in him, 

O God, almighty father, 

In the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor are yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen. ∫ 

With confidence, let us pray. 

Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, 

On earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread, 

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those 

Who have trespassed against us, 

And lead us not into temptation, 

But deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil 

And graciously grant peace in our day. 

By the help of your mercy may we be free from sin, 

And safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope 

And the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. 

Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, my peace i give you,” 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church, 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, 

Who live and reigns forever and ever. 


The peace of the Lord be with you always. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us share with each other a gesture of peace. 

To all of you at home from all of us 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

We wish you the peace, the strength, the love of Christ. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

As we wait and hope, we also live and hope for Jesus, 

The lamb of God is here among us. 

Blessed and strengthened are we 

Sharing now the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

May the body of Christ, may the blood of Christ 

Keep us safe for everlasting life. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, please turn to page six 

In your tv mass guide and join in singing our communion song, 

“Where the promise shines.” 

∫ When a star is shining over eastern hills, ∫ 

∫ When the air is silent and the clamor stills, ∫ 

∫ When the night is waiting and the old hopes rise, ∫ 

∫ Then the time has ripened and the heart grows wise. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Where the world is waiting for an unknown day, ∫ 

∫ Where a voice forgotten cries, “prepare the way!” ∫ 

∫ Where an earthly power makes the heart turn cold, ∫ 

∫ There the gifts are offered, incense, myrrh and gold. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

I invite you now to pray with me 

The prayer for the children of Mercy Home. 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will guide, 

Protect, and bless all Boys and Girls 

Who this day have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy as we offer them our hearts 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 

May they seek God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

We pray be pleased, o Lord, now with our humble prayers 

Replenished by the food of spiritual nourishment, 

We humbly beseech you, o Lord, 

That through our partaking in this mystery 

You may teach us to judge wisely 

The things of earth and hold firm to the things of heaven 

And we ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. 

The Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us bow our heads now and ask God’s blessing. 

As we go forward may God bless and strengthen us 

So that we can bring true peace and hope into our lives and to our world 

By loving and caring more deeply for one another. 

In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. 


We go in peace to love and serve God 

By our continued care for each other. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ All people that on earth do dwell, ∫ 

∫ Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; ∫ 

∫ Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell. ∫ 

∫ Come we before him and rejoice… ∫ 

Hello, my friends. 

As you know, as i know, 

This tv ministry at Mercy Home is so important. 

It allows us to gather wherever you may be. 

To participate in the prayer of the church. 

It allows us to pray for one another 

And how important it is. 

It allows you and me to pray for the children 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

We’re nourished by our presence together 

And by the celebration of the eucharist. 

I just want to take this opportunity 

To thank you so very much 

For the ways in which you support this mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Please consider doing that going forward as well. 

May God bless you and your family and your friends 

For all you do for the tv mass at Mercy Home and for our children. 

The music for the broadcast of ‘Sunday Mass at Mercy Home’ 

Is generously provided by G-I-A Publications Incorporated 

And its World Library Publications Division. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Full Mass Video

Second Sunday of Advent Homily Transcript

∫ [Music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the second Sunday of advent. 

My name is Dan Riley. 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Maudette Carr, 

And our celebrant is Father Carl Morello. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ And all people will see ∫ 

∫ The salvation of our God. ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, ∫ 

∫ And all people will see ∫ 

∫ The salvation of our God. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia , alleluia . ∫ 

In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. 


May the grace, the peace, the love of God be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

As we prepare ourselves to enter into this liturgy, 

Let us remember the salvation of God 

Calling to mind our sins. 

Lord Jesus, you will come as son of God and son of Mary. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

Christ Jesus, we trust your love 

To heal the wounds of our sin and division. 

Christ, have mercy. 

-Christ, have mercy. 

And Lord Jesus, you are with us now 

As we gather in our strength and in faith and hope. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

May almighty God who loves us 

Have mercy on us, forgive us any of our sins, 

And one day bring us to what the eucharist points toward, 

The banquet of everlasting life. 


A reading from the book of the prophet Baruch. 

Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery. 

Put on the splendor of glory from God forever, 

Wrapped in the cloak of justice from God. 

Bear on your head the miter that displays 

The glory of the eternal name. 

For God will show all the earth your splendor. 

You will be named by God forever, 

The peace of justice, the glory of God’s worship. 

Up Jerusalem, stand upon the heights. 

Look to the east and see your children, 

Gathered from the east and the west 

At the word of the holy one, 

Rejoicing that they are remembered by God. 

Let away on foot by their enemies, they left you. 

But God will bring them back to you, 

Born aloft in glory as on royal thrones. 

For God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low 

And that the age-old depths and gorges be filled to level ground, 

That Israel may advance secure in the glory of God. 

The forest and every fragrant kind of tree 

Have overshadowed Israel at God’s command. 

For God is leading Israel in joy by the light of his glory 

With his mercy and justice for company. 

The word of the Lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ When the Lord brought back the exiles of Zion, ∫ 

∫ We thought we were dreaming. ∫ 

∫ Then was our mouth filled with laughter ∫ 

∫ On our tongues, songs of joy. ∫ 

∫ The Lord has done great things for us. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

∫ We are filled with joy. ∫ 

A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians. 

Brothers and sisters, I pray always with joy 

In my every prayer for all of you 

Because of your partnership for the gospel 

From the first day until now. 

I am confident of this that the one who began 

A good work in you will continue to complete it 

Until the day of Christ Jesus. 

God is my witness how i long for all 

Of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. 

And this is my prayer that your love may increase ever more 

And more in knowledge 

And every kind of perception to discern what is of value 

So that you may be pure and blameless 

For the day of Christ 

Filled with the fruit of righteousness 

That comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. 

The word of the Lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths: ∫ 

∫ All flesh shall see the salvation of God. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia , alleluia , alleluia. ∫ 

Brothers and sisters in faith, the Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

This is a reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke. 

-Glory to you, o Lord. 

In the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, 

When Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea and Herod, 

Tetrarch of Galilee, 

And his brother Philip, tetrarch of the region 

Of Eitoria and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Albalin. 

During the high priesthood of annas and Caiaphas, 

The word of God came to John, the son of Zecariah, in the desert. 

John went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, 

Proclaiming a baptism of repentance 

For the forgiveness of sin, 

As is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah. 

A voice of one crying out in the desert, 

“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. 

Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low. 

The winding road shall be made straight, 

And the rough ways made smooth. 

And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” 

The gospel of the Lord. 

-Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. 


So has anyone here ever known, or maybe you are living with a closet slob? Max Licado in his book, ‘In The Grip of Grace,’ He tells this interesting story of a man who had been a closet slob all of his life, and he just couldn’t comprehend the logic of neatness. 

Why make a bed in the morning if you’re going to be using it again that night? Why put a lid on the toothpaste tub if you’re going to take it off again later for sure the next morning? And so the man admitted to being compulsive about being messy. 

Then he got married. And his wife was patient. She said she didn’t mind his habits if he didn’t mind sleeping on the couch. He did mind. And he began working on changing. 

And so he enrolled himself in a 12-step program for slobs. And a physical therapist helped him rediscover muscles used for hanging up his shirts and placing toilet paper on the holder. His nose was reintroduced to the smell of pine-sol. And by the time his in-laws arrived for a visit, he was a new man. 

Then came a moment of truth. His wife went out of town for a week. And at first he reverted to his old ways. He figured he could be a slob for six days and clean on the seventh. 

But something happened. It was strange. He could no longer relax with dirty dishes in the sink or towels flung around the bathroom or clothes on the floor or sheets piled up like a mountain on the bed. What happened? 

It was simple. He had been exposed to a better standard of living. And friends, that’s what Jesus does. 

We read in today’s gospel that the word of God came to John the Baptist in the wilderness. He went through the whole Jordan district proclaiming a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sin. 

Well, what does this all mean for us practically speaking? From the very beginning, Jesus clearly stated that his call to us to follow him and his appeal for us to transform our lives. These are inseparable. 

To follow Jesus is to change your life. Each of us without exception needs to do better. To think better, pray better, share better, love better, care better than ever before. And so the readings remind us if we want to be in God’s future, that will be determined by what we are doing now in the present. Abounding in love, valuing the things that really matter, harvesting the fruits of justice, acknowledging our failures, and making amends. 

If we want to have these great things of God in our hearts, we must put our whole hearts into what matters to God. 

And so today, I ask you to consider into what situation or into whose life is God leading you to put your heart into this advent season. 


As a people with a heart to follow Jesus, 

Let us profess in the apostles’ creed. 

I believe in God, the father almighty, 

Creator of heaven and earth. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, 

Who was conceived by the power of the holy spirit 

And born of the Virgin Mary. 

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, 

Was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended to the dead, and the third day he rose again. 

He ascended into heaven 

And is seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, 

The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, 

The resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. 


With a heart to follow God and to care for one another, 

We bring our prayers and needs before the Lord. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord, hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father 

And those who minister throughout the world, 

May their words and works 

Bring peace and goodwill to all people 

During this advent season. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who are anxious about life, 

May they find hope through a growing awareness 

Of God’s unconditional love for each one of us. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For the children of Mercy Home, 

May this beautiful season of advent 

Fill their lives with Christ’s love and light. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For families where there is division and tension, 

May the true spirit of Christmas touch their hearts 

And lead to healing and peace. 

We pray to the Lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

Loving God, hear the prayers that we bring before you 

With open minds and hearts as we pray always, 

Asking for strength through Christ our Lord. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

Through the mingling of water and wine, 

We share the divinity of Christ 

Who humbled himself to share our humanity. 

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation, 

For through your goodness we have bread to offer 

Which earth has given, human hands have made, 

May it become for us the bread of life, 

Blessed be God forever. 

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation, 

Through your goodness we have wine to offer, 

Fruit of the vine, work of human hands, 

May it become our spiritual drink, 

Blessed be God forever. 

Lord wash away my iniquities, cleanse me of all sin. 

∫ [Music continues] ∫ 

We pray together in faith that these gifts of bread and wine 

Offered now be acceptable 

To our almighty and loving God. 

May the Lord accept the sacrifice at our hands 

For the praise and glory of God’s name, 

For our good and the good of all God’s holy church. 

Be pleased, o Lord, with our humble prayers and offerings, 

And since we have no merits to plead our cause, 

Come, we pray, to our rescue 

With the protection of your mercy 

Through Christ our Lord. 


The Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

-We lift them up to the Lord. 

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. 

-It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, 

Always and everywhere to give you thanks, 

Lord, almighty and eternal God through Christ our Lord. 

For he assumed at his first coming 

The lowliness of human flesh, and so fulfilled the design 

You formed long ago 

And opened for us the way to eternal salvation. 

That when he comes again in glory and majesty, 

And all is at last manifest, we who watch for that day 

May inherit the great promise in which now we dare to hope. 

And so with all the choirs of angels and saints, 

We sing this hymn to your glory. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts. ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o Lord, the fount of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts, we pray, 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall, 

So that they may become for us 

The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly 

Into his passion, he took bread 

And giving thanks, broke it. 

He gave it to the disciples saying, 

“Take this, all of you, eat of it. 

This is my body given up for you.” 

In a similar way, when the supper ended, 

He took the chalice and once more giving thanks. 

He gave it to the disciples saying, 

“Take this, all of you, drink from it. 

For this is the chalice of my blood, 

The blood of the new eternal covenant. 

It will be poured out for you and for many 

For the forgiveness of sin. 

Do this in memory of me.” 

The mystery of our faith. 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup, ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o Lord, until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore as we celebrate the memorial 

Of his death and resurrection, we offer you, Lord, 

The bread of life and the chalice of salvation, 

Giving thanks that you have held us worthy 

To be in your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

Remember Lord your church spread throughout the world. 

Bring her to the fullness of charity 

Together with Francis our Pope, 

Blas… our archbishop, 

And all who minister in your church everywhere. 

Remember all our brothers and sisters, 

Those who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, 

And all who have died in your mercy, 

Welcome them into the light of your face. 

Have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God, 

With Joseph, her spouse, 

With the blessed apostles and all the saints 

Who have pleased you throughout the ages, 

We may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life 

And praise and glorify you through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him, with him, and in him, 

O God, almighty father, 

In the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor are yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen. ∫ 

With confidence, let us pray. 

Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, 

On earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread, 

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those 

Who have trespassed against us, 

And lead us not into temptation, 

But deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil 

And graciously grant peace in our day. 

By the help of your mercy may we be free from sin, 

And safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope 

And the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. 

Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, my peace i give you,” 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church, 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, 

Who live and reigns forever and ever. 


The peace of the Lord be with you always. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us share with each other a gesture of peace. 

To all of you at home from all of us 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

We wish you the peace, the strength, the love of Christ. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world. ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

As we wait and hope, we also live and hope for Jesus, 

The lamb of God is here among us. 

Blessed and strengthened are we 

Sharing now the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

May the body of Christ, may the blood of Christ 

Keep us safe for everlasting life. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, please turn to page six 

In your tv mass guide and join in singing our communion song, 

“Where the promise shines.” 

∫ When a star is shining over eastern hills, ∫ 

∫ When the air is silent and the clamor stills, ∫ 

∫ When the night is waiting and the old hopes rise, ∫ 

∫ Then the time has ripened and the heart grows wise. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Where the world is waiting for an unknown day, ∫ 

∫ Where a voice forgotten cries, “prepare the way!” ∫ 

∫ Where an earthly power makes the heart turn cold, ∫ 

∫ There the gifts are offered, incense, myrrh and gold. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

∫ Lead us on, lead us on ∫ 

∫ To a morning where the promise shines. ∫ 

I invite you now to pray with me 

The prayer for the children of Mercy Home. 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will guide, 

Protect, and bless all Boys and Girls 

Who this day have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy as we offer them our hearts 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 

May they seek God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

We pray be pleased, o Lord, now with our humble prayers 

Replenished by the food of spiritual nourishment, 

We humbly beseech you, o Lord, 

That through our partaking in this mystery 

You may teach us to judge wisely 

The things of earth and hold firm to the things of heaven 

And we ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. 

The Lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us bow our heads now and ask God’s blessing. 

As we go forward may God bless and strengthen us 

So that we can bring true peace and hope into our lives and to our world 

By loving and caring more deeply for one another. 

In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. 


We go in peace to love and serve God 

By our continued care for each other. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ All people that on earth do dwell, ∫ 

∫ Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; ∫ 

∫ Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell. ∫ 

∫ Come we before him and rejoice… ∫ 

Hello, my friends. 

As you know, as i know, 

This tv ministry at Mercy Home is so important. 

It allows us to gather wherever you may be. 

To participate in the prayer of the church. 

It allows us to pray for one another 

And how important it is. 

It allows you and me to pray for the children 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

We’re nourished by our presence together 

And by the celebration of the eucharist. 

I just want to take this opportunity 

To thank you so very much 

For the ways in which you support this mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Please consider doing that going forward as well. 

May God bless you and your family and your friends 

For all you do for the tv mass at Mercy Home and for our children. 

The music for the broadcast of ‘Sunday Mass at Mercy Home’ 

Is generously provided by G-I-A Publications Incorporated 

And its World Library Publications Division. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Homily Video

Second Sunday of Advent Homily Transcript

So has anyone here ever known, or maybe you are living with a closet slob? Max Licado in his book, ‘In The Grip of Grace,’ He tells this interesting story of a man who had been a closet slob all of his life, and he just couldn’t comprehend the logic of neatness. 

Why make a bed in the morning if you’re going to be using it again that night? Why put a lid on the toothpaste tub if you’re going to take it off again later for sure the next morning? And so the man admitted to being compulsive about being messy. 

Then he got married. And his wife was patient. She said she didn’t mind his habits if he didn’t mind sleeping on the couch. He did mind. And he began working on changing. 

And so he enrolled himself in a 12-step program for slobs. And a physical therapist helped him rediscover muscles used for hanging up his shirts and placing toilet paper on the holder. His nose was reintroduced to the smell of pine-sol. And by the time his in-laws arrived for a visit, he was a new man. 

Then came a moment of truth. His wife went out of town for a week. And at first he reverted to his old ways. He figured he could be a slob for six days and clean on the seventh. 

But something happened. It was strange. He could no longer relax with dirty dishes in the sink or towels flung around the bathroom or clothes on the floor or sheets piled up like a mountain on the bed. What happened? 

It was simple. He had been exposed to a better standard of living. And friends, that’s what Jesus does. 

We read in today’s gospel that the word of God came to John the Baptist in the wilderness. He went through the whole Jordan district proclaiming a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sin. 

Well, what does this all mean for us practically speaking? From the very beginning, Jesus clearly stated that his call to us to follow him and his appeal for us to transform our lives. These are inseparable. 

To follow Jesus is to change your life. Each of us without exception needs to do better. To think better, pray better, share better, love better, care better than ever before. And so the readings remind us if we want to be in God’s future, that will be determined by what we are doing now in the present. Abounding in love, valuing the things that really matter, harvesting the fruits of justice, acknowledging our failures, and making amends. 

If we want to have these great things of God in our hearts, we must put our whole hearts into what matters to God. 

And so today, I ask you to consider into what situation or into whose life is God leading you to put your heart into this advent season. 

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