Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday Mass - Oct 13, 2024 - Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Jason Malave
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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

∫ [Music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the 28th Sunday in ordinary time. 

My name is Dan Riley. 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Molly Riley 

And our celebrant is Father Jason Malave. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ O lord, in my eyes you were gazing, ∫ 

∫ Kindly smiling, my name you were saying; ∫ 

∫ All i treasured, i have left on the sand there; ∫ 

∫ Close to you, i will find other seas. ∫ 

My sisters and brothers, followers of Jesus, 

We mark our prayer together 

In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

As we gather around this eucharistic table 

And hear the word of God proclaimed among us, 

Let us call to mind the gifts we’ve received 

As well as those areas of our lives we need 

Pardon, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Lord Jesus you heal those who are suffering and sick. 

Lord have mercy. 

-Lord have mercy. 

You comfort the downtrodden and bring us pardon and peace. 

Christ have mercy. 

-Christ have mercy. 

And you welcome us into the gates of paradise 

To be with you forever. 

Lord have mercy. 

-Lord have mercy. 

May almighty God have mercy on us. 

Forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

Let us gather our prayers, friends. 

Let us pray. 

May your grace, o lord we pray, 

May your grace at all times go before us 

And follow after and make us always determined 

To carry out good works through our lord Jesus 

Your son who lives and reigns with you 

In the unity of the spirit, one God forever and ever. 


A reading from the book of wisdom. 

I prayed and prudence was given me. 

I pleaded and the spirit of wisdom came to me. 

I preferred her to scepter and throne 

And deem riches nothing in comparison with her. 

Nor did i liken any priceless gem to her 

Because all gold in view of her is a little sand 

And before her silver is to be a counted mire. 

Beyond health and comeliness I loved her 

And i chose to have her rather than light 

Because the splendor of her never yields to sleep. 

Yet all good things together came to me in her company 

And countless riches at her hands. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

∫ Teach us to number our days ∫ 

∫ That we may gain wisdom of heart. ∫ 

∫ Turn back, o lord, how long, ∫ 

∫ Show pity to your servants. ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

A reading from the letter to the Hebrews. 

Brothers and sisters, indeed the word of God 

Is living and effective, sharper than any 

Two-edged sword, penetrating even between 

Soul and spirit, joints and marrow, 

And able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. 

No creature is concealed from him, 

But everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him, 

To whom we must render and account. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

∫ Blessed are the poor in spirit, ∫ 

∫ For theirs is the kingdom of heaven ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

My sisters and brothers, friends, the lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

A reading from the holy gospel according to saint mark. 

-Glory to you, o lord. 

May the word of God be always on our minds, 

On our lips, in our hearts. 

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, 

A man ran up, knelt down before him 

And asked him, 

“Good teacher, what must I do “to inherit eternal life?” 

Jesus answered him, “why do you call me good? 

“No one is good but God alone. 

“You know the commandments, you shall not kill, 

“You shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, 

“You shall not bear false witness, 

You shall not defraud, 

“Honor your father and your mother.” 

He replied and said to Jesus, 

“Teacher, all of these I’ve observed from my youth.” 

Jesus looked at him, loved him, said to him, 

“You are lacking in one thing. 

“Go, sell what you have and give to the poor. 

“You will have treasure in heaven, then come follow me.” 

At that statement, his face fell. 

He went away sad for he had many possessions. 

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, 

“How hard it is for those who have wealth 

“To enter the kingdom of God.” 

The disciples were amazed at his words. 

So Jesus again said to them in reply, 

“Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God. 

“It is easier for a camel to pass through 

“The eye of a needle than for one who is rich 

“To enter the kingdom of God.” 

They were exceedingly astonished 

And said among themselves, “then who can be saved?” 

Jesus looked at them and said, 

“For human beings it is impossible, 

“But not for God. 

“All things are possible for God.” 

The gospel of the lord. 

Praise to you, lord Jesus Christ. 



Before a quick reflection on scripture, I just want to wish blessing on all those runners who are running today’s Chicago marathon. I’ve never run a marathon. I don’t ever intend to run a marathon but I admire and will bless those who are running the marathon today. Kudos and congratulations. And personally, I’d like to give a shout out to my mother who this very day, October 13th, celebrates 77 years. Happy birthday, mom. 

You know, as we come together today, we hear this gospel story that’s called the rich young man. It’s a young man we know, and we find out he has many possessions so we’re able to call him rich, the rich young man. And the rich young man deeply wants to know what it’s going to take for him to gain, to have eternal life that Jesus has been preaching about. What do I need to do to gain eternal or everlasting life? 

And Jesus’ response was very disappointing for the rich young man. Jesus’ response was, “go sell everything you have.” 

[Priest gasps] 

I’m sure it was kind of a body blow for this rich young man to go sell everything, All of his possessions. Who knows what the rich young man did, but we do have Jesus’ answer. Go sell everything. Go sell everything and come and follow me. 

Recently, somebody who I’ve known for many years came and told me my response or what I preached about on this gospel dozens of years ago. I said that the guy didn’t have to go and sell his BMW, And he was very happy to hear that. He didn’t have to go and sell his BMW. But he didn’t recount to me what I did say. It was probably something like this, I think. It was probably something like this: 

Let’s keep our eyes on the other readings for today, on all the readings for today, as we hear what we’re called to do. 

Go and follow Jesus. But before we heard that gospel, we heard in the first reading, we heard about prudence and wisdom personified. Did you hear that? Wisdom and prudence were personified. They were held up as a high virtue. 

I think as we have lots of material gifts and blessings, we’re called to be prudent and wise about how we use those. How do we use the gifts that God has given us so generously and give back to God for what we’ve received? 

In the second reading that we heard, we heard very powerfully about scripture. 

The word of God is alive and active. In scripture and the person of Jesus, the word of God is alive. So we follow the word of God, we follow scripture. And then the last thing we heard in the gospel was that when Jesus told the rich young man, go and sell everything, he looked at the rich young man, he smiled and it says, and he loved him. 

We sit in the love of Christ. So I think those are some of our answers to what are we called to do in the midst of this gospel, which says, go sell everything. 

Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and stay close to the love of Christ Jesus that’s always with us. Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and close to the love of Jesus that’s always with us. 

I wanna share that there’s a couple that I know, I’ve known them now for about 10 years, 15 years, and they have a lot of money and I’m astounded at how much money they have. And I love watching them discern and be wise and prudent about how it is they share the gifts that God has given them so generously. They take good care of their children and they are very disciplined and beautiful with their children and they take care of their parish church. 

They make sure their parish church has what it needs and they take care of the archdiocese and they make sure the archdiocese has what it needs more recently in making a gift to renew my church, saying, “look, the spiritual renewal that “Renew my church tends to wants to undertake is powerful and it needs to happen in our archdiocese.” And they said, “I want to support that.” And they support our global church as well. 

I admire them and they’re great examples for me. 

The resources that we have were called to share generously through wisdom and prudence, staying close to the word of God among us and staying close to the love of Christ that guides our actions. For with Christ Jesus and our generous God, all things are possible. 



Perhaps we pray the apostles creed today. 

We pray together: 

I believe in God, the father almighty, 

Creator of heaven and earth. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our lord. 

He was conceived by the power of the holy spirit, 

Born of the Virgin Mary. 

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, 

Was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended to the dead. 

On the third day he rose again, he ascended into heaven 

And seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, 

The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, 

The resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. 


With great confidence in the love of Christ Jesus, 

In the word among us that God sent, 

We offer our prayers and our petitions. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father and clergy, 

As they lead the lord’s people living out God’s commandments, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For those who are suffering from physical ailments, 

May they receive relief and comfort from God’s grace, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For those who support the life saving working, 

Done at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls 

And for Mercy Homes youth who are seeking hope and healing, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For all those participating in today’s Chicago marathon, 

May they be blessed with good health, strength and courage, 

Keep them and their families, friends and all spectators 

Safe and in your love and care. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

Compassionate and generous God, 

Hear the prayers of your faithful people. 

Hear the prayers we’ve spoken today, 

Hear the prayers that are in each of our hearts. 

In your mercy and love grant these prayers we ask this, 

Through Christ our lord. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

Blessed are you lord, God of all creation 

For through your goodness we have received 

The bread we offer you. 

Fruit of the earth, work of human hands 

It will become for us the bread of life. 

∫ [Music continues] ∫ 

Blessed are you lord, God of all creation. 

For through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you. 

Fruit of the vine, work of human hands. 

It’ll become our spiritual drink. 

[Priest prays quietly] 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Sisters and brothers pray that my sacrifice, 

In fact your sacrifice – 

May be acceptable to God, the almighty father. 

May the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands 

For the praise and glory of his name 

For our good and good of all his holy church. 

Accept o lord the prayers of your faithful people 

With the sacrificial offerings 

That through these acts of devotedness 

We may pass over to the glory of heaven 

Through Christ our lord. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

-We lift them up to the lord. 

Friends let us give thanks to the lord our God. 

-It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just. 

Our duty, our salvation always and everywhere. 

To give you thanks lord, holy father, 

Almighty and eternal God. 

For you laid the foundations of the world 

And have arranged the changing of times and seasons. 

You formed us in your own image 

And you set us over the whole world 

In all its wonder to rule in your name 

Over all you have made and forever praise you 

In your mighty works, through Jesus our lord. 

And so with all the angels we praise you 

As in joyful celebration we acclaim: 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy ∫ 

∫ Lord God of hosts ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o lord. 

The font of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts, we pray, 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dew fall 

So that they may become for us 

The body and blood of your son, our lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time he was betrayed 

And entered willingly into his passion, 

He took bread and giving thanks, broke it. 

He gave it to his disciples, those he loved, 

Those he cared for, those he sent, 

He gave it to them saying, “take this, 

“Take this all of you and eat of it, 

“For this is my body which will be given up for you.” 

In a similar way when supper was ended, 

He took the chalice and once more giving thanks, 

He gave it to his disciples saying, 

“Take this all of you and drink from it. 

“For this is the chalice of my blood, 

“The blood of the new and eternal covenant. 

“Which will be poured out for you and for many, 

“For the forgiveness of sins. 

“Do this in memory of me.” 

Friends, the mystery of faith. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o lord ∫ 

∫ Until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial 

Of Jesus’s death and resurrection, 

We offer you, lord, the bread of life 

And the chalice of salvation, 

Giving thanks that you have held us worthy 

To be in your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly, we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ Jesus, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

And remember, lord, your church 

Spread throughout the world. 

Bring her to the fullness of charity 

Together with Francis, our pope, 

Blas… our archbishop and all the clergy. 

Remember especially our sisters and brothers 

Who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection 

And all who have died in your mercy, 

Welcome them into the light of your face. 

And finally, have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed Virgin Mary, 

Mother of God, our lady of mercy, 

With the blessed apostles, 

And all the saints who have pleased you 

Throughout the ages, 

We may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life 

And may praise and glorify you 

Through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him and with him and in him, 

O God, almighty father, 

In the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor is yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen ∫ 

So that we might be closer to our generous God, 

Jesus taught us how to pray to our father. 

So we have the courage to pray together: 

Our father, who art in heaven, 

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread 

And forgive us our trespasses 

As we forgive those who trespass against us 

And lead us not into temptation, 

But deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, lord, we pray, from every evil, 

Graciously grant peace in our days, 

That by the help of your mercy, 

We may be always free from sin 

And safe from all distress, 

As we await the blessed hope 

And the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, 

Now and forever. 

Lord Jesus, who said to your apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, my peace i give you,” 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, 

Who live and reign forever and ever. 


Friends, the peace of the lord be with you always. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us offer each other a sign of Christ’s peace. 

And from all of us here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

To all of you viewing and watching 

And praying from home, please accept our prayers 

For peace for you and your family. 

Peace be with you. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

Sisters and brothers in faith, 

Followers of Jesus, behold Jesus, 

Behold the lamb of God. 

Friends, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. 

Blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

May the body and blood of Christ 

Keep us all safe for everlasting life. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, 

Please turn to page six in your tv mass guide 

And join in singing our communion song, 

“The clouds veil.” 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Even though the rain hides the stars, ∫ 

∫ Even though the mist swirls the hills, ∫ 

∫ Even when the dark clouds veil the sky, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ Even when the sun shall fall and sleep, ∫ 

∫ Even when at dawn the sky shall weep, ∫ 

∫ Even in the night when storms shall rise, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Bright the stars at night. ∫ 

∫ That mirror heaven’s way to you. ∫ 

∫ Bright the stars in light. ∫ 

∫ Where dwell the saints in love and truth, ∫ 

∫ Even though the rain hides the stars, ∫ 

∫ Even though the mist swirls the hills, ∫ 

∫ Even when the dark clouds veil the sky, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ Even when the sun shall fall and sleep, ∫ 

∫ Even when at dawn the sky shall weep, ∫ 

∫ Even in the night when storms shall rise. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

Friends, please join me in praying 

For the boys and girls of Mercy Home. 

We pray together: 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will 

Guide, protect, and bless all boys and girls 

Who this day have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy 

As we offer them our hearts 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 

May they see God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

Let us pray. 

We entreat your majesty most humbly, o lord, 

That as you feed us with the nourishment 

Which comes from the most holy 

Body and blood of your son, Jesus, 

So you may make us sharers of his divine nature. 

Who lives and reigns forever and ever. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

May almighty God bless you, friends, 

The father, and the son, and the holy spirit. 


Our beautiful mass has ended. 

Let us go in peace. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ The kingdom of God is justice and joy, ∫ 

∫ For Jesus restores what sin would destroy… ∫ 

My friends, i just want to thank you 

For the ways in which you support the tv mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Let us continue to pray for one another. 

Please consider making an offering 

So that we can keep the tv mass on the air. 

May God bless you, your family members, and your friends. 

The music for the broadcast of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home 

Is generously provided by G-I-A Publications Incorporated 

And its World Library Publications Division. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Homily Video

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

∫ [Music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the 28th Sunday in ordinary time. 

My name is Dan Riley. 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Molly Riley 

And our celebrant is Father Jason Malave. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ O lord, in my eyes you were gazing, ∫ 

∫ Kindly smiling, my name you were saying; ∫ 

∫ All i treasured, i have left on the sand there; ∫ 

∫ Close to you, i will find other seas. ∫ 

My sisters and brothers, followers of Jesus, 

We mark our prayer together 

In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

As we gather around this eucharistic table 

And hear the word of God proclaimed among us, 

Let us call to mind the gifts we’ve received 

As well as those areas of our lives we need 

Pardon, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Lord Jesus you heal those who are suffering and sick. 

Lord have mercy. 

-Lord have mercy. 

You comfort the downtrodden and bring us pardon and peace. 

Christ have mercy. 

-Christ have mercy. 

And you welcome us into the gates of paradise 

To be with you forever. 

Lord have mercy. 

-Lord have mercy. 

May almighty God have mercy on us. 

Forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

Let us gather our prayers, friends. 

Let us pray. 

May your grace, o lord we pray, 

May your grace at all times go before us 

And follow after and make us always determined 

To carry out good works through our lord Jesus 

Your son who lives and reigns with you 

In the unity of the spirit, one God forever and ever. 


A reading from the book of wisdom. 

I prayed and prudence was given me. 

I pleaded and the spirit of wisdom came to me. 

I preferred her to scepter and throne 

And deem riches nothing in comparison with her. 

Nor did i liken any priceless gem to her 

Because all gold in view of her is a little sand 

And before her silver is to be a counted mire. 

Beyond health and comeliness I loved her 

And i chose to have her rather than light 

Because the splendor of her never yields to sleep. 

Yet all good things together came to me in her company 

And countless riches at her hands. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

∫ Teach us to number our days ∫ 

∫ That we may gain wisdom of heart. ∫ 

∫ Turn back, o lord, how long, ∫ 

∫ Show pity to your servants. ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

A reading from the letter to the Hebrews. 

Brothers and sisters, indeed the word of God 

Is living and effective, sharper than any 

Two-edged sword, penetrating even between 

Soul and spirit, joints and marrow, 

And able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. 

No creature is concealed from him, 

But everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him, 

To whom we must render and account. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

∫ Blessed are the poor in spirit, ∫ 

∫ For theirs is the kingdom of heaven ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

My sisters and brothers, friends, the lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

A reading from the holy gospel according to saint mark. 

-Glory to you, o lord. 

May the word of God be always on our minds, 

On our lips, in our hearts. 

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, 

A man ran up, knelt down before him 

And asked him, 

“Good teacher, what must I do “to inherit eternal life?” 

Jesus answered him, “why do you call me good? 

“No one is good but God alone. 

“You know the commandments, you shall not kill, 

“You shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, 

“You shall not bear false witness, 

You shall not defraud, 

“Honor your father and your mother.” 

He replied and said to Jesus, 

“Teacher, all of these I’ve observed from my youth.” 

Jesus looked at him, loved him, said to him, 

“You are lacking in one thing. 

“Go, sell what you have and give to the poor. 

“You will have treasure in heaven, then come follow me.” 

At that statement, his face fell. 

He went away sad for he had many possessions. 

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, 

“How hard it is for those who have wealth 

“To enter the kingdom of God.” 

The disciples were amazed at his words. 

So Jesus again said to them in reply, 

“Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God. 

“It is easier for a camel to pass through 

“The eye of a needle than for one who is rich 

“To enter the kingdom of God.” 

They were exceedingly astonished 

And said among themselves, “then who can be saved?” 

Jesus looked at them and said, 

“For human beings it is impossible, 

“But not for God. 

“All things are possible for God.” 

The gospel of the lord. 

Praise to you, lord Jesus Christ. 



Before a quick reflection on scripture, I just want to wish blessing on all those runners who are running today’s Chicago marathon. I’ve never run a marathon. I don’t ever intend to run a marathon but I admire and will bless those who are running the marathon today. Kudos and congratulations. And personally, I’d like to give a shout out to my mother who this very day, October 13th, celebrates 77 years. Happy birthday, mom. 

You know, as we come together today, we hear this gospel story that’s called the rich young man. It’s a young man we know, and we find out he has many possessions so we’re able to call him rich, the rich young man. And the rich young man deeply wants to know what it’s going to take for him to gain, to have eternal life that Jesus has been preaching about. What do I need to do to gain eternal or everlasting life? 

And Jesus’ response was very disappointing for the rich young man. Jesus’ response was, “go sell everything you have.” 

[Priest gasps] 

I’m sure it was kind of a body blow for this rich young man to go sell everything, All of his possessions. Who knows what the rich young man did, but we do have Jesus’ answer. Go sell everything. Go sell everything and come and follow me. 

Recently, somebody who I’ve known for many years came and told me my response or what I preached about on this gospel dozens of years ago. I said that the guy didn’t have to go and sell his BMW, And he was very happy to hear that. He didn’t have to go and sell his BMW. But he didn’t recount to me what I did say. It was probably something like this, I think. It was probably something like this: 

Let’s keep our eyes on the other readings for today, on all the readings for today, as we hear what we’re called to do. 

Go and follow Jesus. But before we heard that gospel, we heard in the first reading, we heard about prudence and wisdom personified. Did you hear that? Wisdom and prudence were personified. They were held up as a high virtue. 

I think as we have lots of material gifts and blessings, we’re called to be prudent and wise about how we use those. How do we use the gifts that God has given us so generously and give back to God for what we’ve received? 

In the second reading that we heard, we heard very powerfully about scripture. 

The word of God is alive and active. In scripture and the person of Jesus, the word of God is alive. So we follow the word of God, we follow scripture. And then the last thing we heard in the gospel was that when Jesus told the rich young man, go and sell everything, he looked at the rich young man, he smiled and it says, and he loved him. 

We sit in the love of Christ. So I think those are some of our answers to what are we called to do in the midst of this gospel, which says, go sell everything. 

Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and stay close to the love of Christ Jesus that’s always with us. Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and close to the love of Jesus that’s always with us. 

I wanna share that there’s a couple that I know, I’ve known them now for about 10 years, 15 years, and they have a lot of money and I’m astounded at how much money they have. And I love watching them discern and be wise and prudent about how it is they share the gifts that God has given them so generously. They take good care of their children and they are very disciplined and beautiful with their children and they take care of their parish church. 

They make sure their parish church has what it needs and they take care of the archdiocese and they make sure the archdiocese has what it needs more recently in making a gift to renew my church, saying, “look, the spiritual renewal that “Renew my church tends to wants to undertake is powerful and it needs to happen in our archdiocese.” And they said, “I want to support that.” And they support our global church as well. 

I admire them and they’re great examples for me. 

The resources that we have were called to share generously through wisdom and prudence, staying close to the word of God among us and staying close to the love of Christ that guides our actions. For with Christ Jesus and our generous God, all things are possible. 



Perhaps we pray the apostles creed today. 

We pray together: 

I believe in God, the father almighty, 

Creator of heaven and earth. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our lord. 

He was conceived by the power of the holy spirit, 

Born of the Virgin Mary. 

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, 

Was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended to the dead. 

On the third day he rose again, he ascended into heaven 

And seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, 

The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, 

The resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. 


With great confidence in the love of Christ Jesus, 

In the word among us that God sent, 

We offer our prayers and our petitions. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father and clergy, 

As they lead the lord’s people living out God’s commandments, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For those who are suffering from physical ailments, 

May they receive relief and comfort from God’s grace, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For those who support the life saving working, 

Done at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls 

And for Mercy Homes youth who are seeking hope and healing, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For all those participating in today’s Chicago marathon, 

May they be blessed with good health, strength and courage, 

Keep them and their families, friends and all spectators 

Safe and in your love and care. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

Compassionate and generous God, 

Hear the prayers of your faithful people. 

Hear the prayers we’ve spoken today, 

Hear the prayers that are in each of our hearts. 

In your mercy and love grant these prayers we ask this, 

Through Christ our lord. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

Blessed are you lord, God of all creation 

For through your goodness we have received 

The bread we offer you. 

Fruit of the earth, work of human hands 

It will become for us the bread of life. 

∫ [Music continues] ∫ 

Blessed are you lord, God of all creation. 

For through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you. 

Fruit of the vine, work of human hands. 

It’ll become our spiritual drink. 

[Priest prays quietly] 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Sisters and brothers pray that my sacrifice, 

In fact your sacrifice – 

May be acceptable to God, the almighty father. 

May the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands 

For the praise and glory of his name 

For our good and good of all his holy church. 

Accept o lord the prayers of your faithful people 

With the sacrificial offerings 

That through these acts of devotedness 

We may pass over to the glory of heaven 

Through Christ our lord. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

-We lift them up to the lord. 

Friends let us give thanks to the lord our God. 

-It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just. 

Our duty, our salvation always and everywhere. 

To give you thanks lord, holy father, 

Almighty and eternal God. 

For you laid the foundations of the world 

And have arranged the changing of times and seasons. 

You formed us in your own image 

And you set us over the whole world 

In all its wonder to rule in your name 

Over all you have made and forever praise you 

In your mighty works, through Jesus our lord. 

And so with all the angels we praise you 

As in joyful celebration we acclaim: 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy ∫ 

∫ Lord God of hosts ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o lord. 

The font of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts, we pray, 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dew fall 

So that they may become for us 

The body and blood of your son, our lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time he was betrayed 

And entered willingly into his passion, 

He took bread and giving thanks, broke it. 

He gave it to his disciples, those he loved, 

Those he cared for, those he sent, 

He gave it to them saying, “take this, 

“Take this all of you and eat of it, 

“For this is my body which will be given up for you.” 

In a similar way when supper was ended, 

He took the chalice and once more giving thanks, 

He gave it to his disciples saying, 

“Take this all of you and drink from it. 

“For this is the chalice of my blood, 

“The blood of the new and eternal covenant. 

“Which will be poured out for you and for many, 

“For the forgiveness of sins. 

“Do this in memory of me.” 

Friends, the mystery of faith. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o lord ∫ 

∫ Until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial 

Of Jesus’s death and resurrection, 

We offer you, lord, the bread of life 

And the chalice of salvation, 

Giving thanks that you have held us worthy 

To be in your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly, we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ Jesus, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

And remember, lord, your church 

Spread throughout the world. 

Bring her to the fullness of charity 

Together with Francis, our pope, 

Blas… our archbishop and all the clergy. 

Remember especially our sisters and brothers 

Who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection 

And all who have died in your mercy, 

Welcome them into the light of your face. 

And finally, have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed Virgin Mary, 

Mother of God, our lady of mercy, 

With the blessed apostles, 

And all the saints who have pleased you 

Throughout the ages, 

We may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life 

And may praise and glorify you 

Through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him and with him and in him, 

O God, almighty father, 

In the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor is yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen ∫ 

So that we might be closer to our generous God, 

Jesus taught us how to pray to our father. 

So we have the courage to pray together: 

Our father, who art in heaven, 

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread 

And forgive us our trespasses 

As we forgive those who trespass against us 

And lead us not into temptation, 

But deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, lord, we pray, from every evil, 

Graciously grant peace in our days, 

That by the help of your mercy, 

We may be always free from sin 

And safe from all distress, 

As we await the blessed hope 

And the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, 

Now and forever. 

Lord Jesus, who said to your apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, my peace i give you,” 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, 

Who live and reign forever and ever. 


Friends, the peace of the lord be with you always. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us offer each other a sign of Christ’s peace. 

And from all of us here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

To all of you viewing and watching 

And praying from home, please accept our prayers 

For peace for you and your family. 

Peace be with you. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

Sisters and brothers in faith, 

Followers of Jesus, behold Jesus, 

Behold the lamb of God. 

Friends, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. 

Blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

May the body and blood of Christ 

Keep us all safe for everlasting life. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, 

Please turn to page six in your tv mass guide 

And join in singing our communion song, 

“The clouds veil.” 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Even though the rain hides the stars, ∫ 

∫ Even though the mist swirls the hills, ∫ 

∫ Even when the dark clouds veil the sky, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ Even when the sun shall fall and sleep, ∫ 

∫ Even when at dawn the sky shall weep, ∫ 

∫ Even in the night when storms shall rise, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Bright the stars at night. ∫ 

∫ That mirror heaven’s way to you. ∫ 

∫ Bright the stars in light. ∫ 

∫ Where dwell the saints in love and truth, ∫ 

∫ Even though the rain hides the stars, ∫ 

∫ Even though the mist swirls the hills, ∫ 

∫ Even when the dark clouds veil the sky, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ Even when the sun shall fall and sleep, ∫ 

∫ Even when at dawn the sky shall weep, ∫ 

∫ Even in the night when storms shall rise. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

Friends, please join me in praying 

For the boys and girls of Mercy Home. 

We pray together: 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will 

Guide, protect, and bless all boys and girls 

Who this day have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy 

As we offer them our hearts 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 

May they see God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

Let us pray. 

We entreat your majesty most humbly, o lord, 

That as you feed us with the nourishment 

Which comes from the most holy 

Body and blood of your son, Jesus, 

So you may make us sharers of his divine nature. 

Who lives and reigns forever and ever. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

May almighty God bless you, friends, 

The father, and the son, and the holy spirit. 


Our beautiful mass has ended. 

Let us go in peace. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ The kingdom of God is justice and joy, ∫ 

∫ For Jesus restores what sin would destroy… ∫ 

My friends, i just want to thank you 

For the ways in which you support the tv mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Let us continue to pray for one another. 

Please consider making an offering 

So that we can keep the tv mass on the air. 

May God bless you, your family members, and your friends. 

The music for the broadcast of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home 

Is generously provided by G-I-A Publications Incorporated 

And its World Library Publications Division. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Full Mass Video

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

∫ [Music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the 28th Sunday in ordinary time. 

My name is Dan Riley. 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Molly Riley 

And our celebrant is Father Jason Malave. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ O lord, in my eyes you were gazing, ∫ 

∫ Kindly smiling, my name you were saying; ∫ 

∫ All i treasured, i have left on the sand there; ∫ 

∫ Close to you, i will find other seas. ∫ 

My sisters and brothers, followers of Jesus, 

We mark our prayer together 

In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

As we gather around this eucharistic table 

And hear the word of God proclaimed among us, 

Let us call to mind the gifts we’ve received 

As well as those areas of our lives we need 

Pardon, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Lord Jesus you heal those who are suffering and sick. 

Lord have mercy. 

-Lord have mercy. 

You comfort the downtrodden and bring us pardon and peace. 

Christ have mercy. 

-Christ have mercy. 

And you welcome us into the gates of paradise 

To be with you forever. 

Lord have mercy. 

-Lord have mercy. 

May almighty God have mercy on us. 

Forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

Let us gather our prayers, friends. 

Let us pray. 

May your grace, o lord we pray, 

May your grace at all times go before us 

And follow after and make us always determined 

To carry out good works through our lord Jesus 

Your son who lives and reigns with you 

In the unity of the spirit, one God forever and ever. 


A reading from the book of wisdom. 

I prayed and prudence was given me. 

I pleaded and the spirit of wisdom came to me. 

I preferred her to scepter and throne 

And deem riches nothing in comparison with her. 

Nor did i liken any priceless gem to her 

Because all gold in view of her is a little sand 

And before her silver is to be a counted mire. 

Beyond health and comeliness I loved her 

And i chose to have her rather than light 

Because the splendor of her never yields to sleep. 

Yet all good things together came to me in her company 

And countless riches at her hands. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

∫ Teach us to number our days ∫ 

∫ That we may gain wisdom of heart. ∫ 

∫ Turn back, o lord, how long, ∫ 

∫ Show pity to your servants. ∫ 

∫ Fill us with your love, o lord, ∫ 

∫ And we will sing for joy. ∫ 

A reading from the letter to the Hebrews. 

Brothers and sisters, indeed the word of God 

Is living and effective, sharper than any 

Two-edged sword, penetrating even between 

Soul and spirit, joints and marrow, 

And able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. 

No creature is concealed from him, 

But everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him, 

To whom we must render and account. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

∫ Blessed are the poor in spirit, ∫ 

∫ For theirs is the kingdom of heaven ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ∫ 

My sisters and brothers, friends, the lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

A reading from the holy gospel according to saint mark. 

-Glory to you, o lord. 

May the word of God be always on our minds, 

On our lips, in our hearts. 

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, 

A man ran up, knelt down before him 

And asked him, 

“Good teacher, what must I do “to inherit eternal life?” 

Jesus answered him, “why do you call me good? 

“No one is good but God alone. 

“You know the commandments, you shall not kill, 

“You shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, 

“You shall not bear false witness, 

You shall not defraud, 

“Honor your father and your mother.” 

He replied and said to Jesus, 

“Teacher, all of these I’ve observed from my youth.” 

Jesus looked at him, loved him, said to him, 

“You are lacking in one thing. 

“Go, sell what you have and give to the poor. 

“You will have treasure in heaven, then come follow me.” 

At that statement, his face fell. 

He went away sad for he had many possessions. 

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, 

“How hard it is for those who have wealth 

“To enter the kingdom of God.” 

The disciples were amazed at his words. 

So Jesus again said to them in reply, 

“Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God. 

“It is easier for a camel to pass through 

“The eye of a needle than for one who is rich 

“To enter the kingdom of God.” 

They were exceedingly astonished 

And said among themselves, “then who can be saved?” 

Jesus looked at them and said, 

“For human beings it is impossible, 

“But not for God. 

“All things are possible for God.” 

The gospel of the lord. 

Praise to you, lord Jesus Christ. 



Before a quick reflection on scripture, I just want to wish blessing on all those runners who are running today’s Chicago marathon. I’ve never run a marathon. I don’t ever intend to run a marathon but I admire and will bless those who are running the marathon today. Kudos and congratulations. And personally, I’d like to give a shout out to my mother who this very day, October 13th, celebrates 77 years. Happy birthday, mom. 

You know, as we come together today, we hear this gospel story that’s called the rich young man. It’s a young man we know, and we find out he has many possessions so we’re able to call him rich, the rich young man. And the rich young man deeply wants to know what it’s going to take for him to gain, to have eternal life that Jesus has been preaching about. What do I need to do to gain eternal or everlasting life? 

And Jesus’ response was very disappointing for the rich young man. Jesus’ response was, “go sell everything you have.” 

[Priest gasps] 

I’m sure it was kind of a body blow for this rich young man to go sell everything, All of his possessions. Who knows what the rich young man did, but we do have Jesus’ answer. Go sell everything. Go sell everything and come and follow me. 

Recently, somebody who I’ve known for many years came and told me my response or what I preached about on this gospel dozens of years ago. I said that the guy didn’t have to go and sell his BMW, And he was very happy to hear that. He didn’t have to go and sell his BMW. But he didn’t recount to me what I did say. It was probably something like this, I think. It was probably something like this: 

Let’s keep our eyes on the other readings for today, on all the readings for today, as we hear what we’re called to do. 

Go and follow Jesus. But before we heard that gospel, we heard in the first reading, we heard about prudence and wisdom personified. Did you hear that? Wisdom and prudence were personified. They were held up as a high virtue. 

I think as we have lots of material gifts and blessings, we’re called to be prudent and wise about how we use those. How do we use the gifts that God has given us so generously and give back to God for what we’ve received? 

In the second reading that we heard, we heard very powerfully about scripture. 

The word of God is alive and active. In scripture and the person of Jesus, the word of God is alive. So we follow the word of God, we follow scripture. And then the last thing we heard in the gospel was that when Jesus told the rich young man, go and sell everything, he looked at the rich young man, he smiled and it says, and he loved him. 

We sit in the love of Christ. So I think those are some of our answers to what are we called to do in the midst of this gospel, which says, go sell everything. 

Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and stay close to the love of Christ Jesus that’s always with us. Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and close to the love of Jesus that’s always with us. 

I wanna share that there’s a couple that I know, I’ve known them now for about 10 years, 15 years, and they have a lot of money and I’m astounded at how much money they have. And I love watching them discern and be wise and prudent about how it is they share the gifts that God has given them so generously. They take good care of their children and they are very disciplined and beautiful with their children and they take care of their parish church. 

They make sure their parish church has what it needs and they take care of the archdiocese and they make sure the archdiocese has what it needs more recently in making a gift to renew my church, saying, “look, the spiritual renewal that “Renew my church tends to wants to undertake is powerful and it needs to happen in our archdiocese.” And they said, “I want to support that.” And they support our global church as well. 

I admire them and they’re great examples for me. 

The resources that we have were called to share generously through wisdom and prudence, staying close to the word of God among us and staying close to the love of Christ that guides our actions. For with Christ Jesus and our generous God, all things are possible. 



Perhaps we pray the apostles creed today. 

We pray together: 

I believe in God, the father almighty, 

Creator of heaven and earth. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our lord. 

He was conceived by the power of the holy spirit, 

Born of the Virgin Mary. 

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, 

Was crucified, died, and was buried. 

He descended to the dead. 

On the third day he rose again, he ascended into heaven 

And seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, 

The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, 

The resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. 


With great confidence in the love of Christ Jesus, 

In the word among us that God sent, 

We offer our prayers and our petitions. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father and clergy, 

As they lead the lord’s people living out God’s commandments, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For those who are suffering from physical ailments, 

May they receive relief and comfort from God’s grace, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For those who support the life saving working, 

Done at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls 

And for Mercy Homes youth who are seeking hope and healing, 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

For all those participating in today’s Chicago marathon, 

May they be blessed with good health, strength and courage, 

Keep them and their families, friends and all spectators 

Safe and in your love and care. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord hear our prayer. 

Compassionate and generous God, 

Hear the prayers of your faithful people. 

Hear the prayers we’ve spoken today, 

Hear the prayers that are in each of our hearts. 

In your mercy and love grant these prayers we ask this, 

Through Christ our lord. 


∫ [Music] ∫ 

Blessed are you lord, God of all creation 

For through your goodness we have received 

The bread we offer you. 

Fruit of the earth, work of human hands 

It will become for us the bread of life. 

∫ [Music continues] ∫ 

Blessed are you lord, God of all creation. 

For through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you. 

Fruit of the vine, work of human hands. 

It’ll become our spiritual drink. 

[Priest prays quietly] 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Sisters and brothers pray that my sacrifice, 

In fact your sacrifice – 

May be acceptable to God, the almighty father. 

May the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands 

For the praise and glory of his name 

For our good and good of all his holy church. 

Accept o lord the prayers of your faithful people 

With the sacrificial offerings 

That through these acts of devotedness 

We may pass over to the glory of heaven 

Through Christ our lord. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

-We lift them up to the lord. 

Friends let us give thanks to the lord our God. 

-It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just. 

Our duty, our salvation always and everywhere. 

To give you thanks lord, holy father, 

Almighty and eternal God. 

For you laid the foundations of the world 

And have arranged the changing of times and seasons. 

You formed us in your own image 

And you set us over the whole world 

In all its wonder to rule in your name 

Over all you have made and forever praise you 

In your mighty works, through Jesus our lord. 

And so with all the angels we praise you 

As in joyful celebration we acclaim: 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy ∫ 

∫ Lord God of hosts ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o lord. 

The font of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts, we pray, 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dew fall 

So that they may become for us 

The body and blood of your son, our lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time he was betrayed 

And entered willingly into his passion, 

He took bread and giving thanks, broke it. 

He gave it to his disciples, those he loved, 

Those he cared for, those he sent, 

He gave it to them saying, “take this, 

“Take this all of you and eat of it, 

“For this is my body which will be given up for you.” 

In a similar way when supper was ended, 

He took the chalice and once more giving thanks, 

He gave it to his disciples saying, 

“Take this all of you and drink from it. 

“For this is the chalice of my blood, 

“The blood of the new and eternal covenant. 

“Which will be poured out for you and for many, 

“For the forgiveness of sins. 

“Do this in memory of me.” 

Friends, the mystery of faith. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o lord ∫ 

∫ Until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial 

Of Jesus’s death and resurrection, 

We offer you, lord, the bread of life 

And the chalice of salvation, 

Giving thanks that you have held us worthy 

To be in your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly, we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ Jesus, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

And remember, lord, your church 

Spread throughout the world. 

Bring her to the fullness of charity 

Together with Francis, our pope, 

Blas… our archbishop and all the clergy. 

Remember especially our sisters and brothers 

Who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection 

And all who have died in your mercy, 

Welcome them into the light of your face. 

And finally, have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed Virgin Mary, 

Mother of God, our lady of mercy, 

With the blessed apostles, 

And all the saints who have pleased you 

Throughout the ages, 

We may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life 

And may praise and glorify you 

Through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him and with him and in him, 

O God, almighty father, 

In the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor is yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen ∫ 

So that we might be closer to our generous God, 

Jesus taught us how to pray to our father. 

So we have the courage to pray together: 

Our father, who art in heaven, 

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread 

And forgive us our trespasses 

As we forgive those who trespass against us 

And lead us not into temptation, 

But deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, lord, we pray, from every evil, 

Graciously grant peace in our days, 

That by the help of your mercy, 

We may be always free from sin 

And safe from all distress, 

As we await the blessed hope 

And the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, 

Now and forever. 

Lord Jesus, who said to your apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, my peace i give you,” 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, 

Who live and reign forever and ever. 


Friends, the peace of the lord be with you always. 

-And with your spirit. 

Let us offer each other a sign of Christ’s peace. 

And from all of us here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

To all of you viewing and watching 

And praying from home, please accept our prayers 

For peace for you and your family. 

Peace be with you. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

Sisters and brothers in faith, 

Followers of Jesus, behold Jesus, 

Behold the lamb of God. 

Friends, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. 

Blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

May the body and blood of Christ 

Keep us all safe for everlasting life. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, 

Please turn to page six in your tv mass guide 

And join in singing our communion song, 

“The clouds veil.” 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Even though the rain hides the stars, ∫ 

∫ Even though the mist swirls the hills, ∫ 

∫ Even when the dark clouds veil the sky, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ Even when the sun shall fall and sleep, ∫ 

∫ Even when at dawn the sky shall weep, ∫ 

∫ Even in the night when storms shall rise, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ Bright the stars at night. ∫ 

∫ That mirror heaven’s way to you. ∫ 

∫ Bright the stars in light. ∫ 

∫ Where dwell the saints in love and truth, ∫ 

∫ Even though the rain hides the stars, ∫ 

∫ Even though the mist swirls the hills, ∫ 

∫ Even when the dark clouds veil the sky, ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ Even when the sun shall fall and sleep, ∫ 

∫ Even when at dawn the sky shall weep, ∫ 

∫ Even in the night when storms shall rise. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

∫ God is by my side. ∫ 

Friends, please join me in praying 

For the boys and girls of Mercy Home. 

We pray together: 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will 

Guide, protect, and bless all boys and girls 

Who this day have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy 

As we offer them our hearts 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ. 

May they see God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

Let us pray. 

We entreat your majesty most humbly, o lord, 

That as you feed us with the nourishment 

Which comes from the most holy 

Body and blood of your son, Jesus, 

So you may make us sharers of his divine nature. 

Who lives and reigns forever and ever. 


The lord be with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

May almighty God bless you, friends, 

The father, and the son, and the holy spirit. 


Our beautiful mass has ended. 

Let us go in peace. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

∫ The kingdom of God is justice and joy, ∫ 

∫ For Jesus restores what sin would destroy… ∫ 

My friends, i just want to thank you 

For the ways in which you support the tv mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Let us continue to pray for one another. 

Please consider making an offering 

So that we can keep the tv mass on the air. 

May God bless you, your family members, and your friends. 

The music for the broadcast of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home 

Is generously provided by G-I-A Publications Incorporated 

And its World Library Publications Division. 

∫ [Music] ∫ 

Homily Video

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

Before a quick reflection on scripture, I just want to wish blessing on all those runners who are running today’s Chicago marathon. I’ve never run a marathon. I don’t ever intend to run a marathon but I admire and will bless those who are running the marathon today. Kudos and congratulations. And personally, I’d like to give a shout out to my mother who this very day, October 13th, celebrates 77 years. Happy birthday, mom. 

You know, as we come together today, we hear this gospel story that’s called the rich young man. It’s a young man we know, and we find out he has many possessions so we’re able to call him rich, the rich young man. And the rich young man deeply wants to know what it’s going to take for him to gain, to have eternal life that Jesus has been preaching about. What do I need to do to gain eternal or everlasting life? 

And Jesus’ response was very disappointing for the rich young man. Jesus’ response was, “go sell everything you have.” 

[Priest gasps] 

I’m sure it was kind of a body blow for this rich young man to go sell everything, All of his possessions. Who knows what the rich young man did, but we do have Jesus’ answer. Go sell everything. Go sell everything and come and follow me. 

Recently, somebody who I’ve known for many years came and told me my response or what I preached about on this gospel dozens of years ago. I said that the guy didn’t have to go and sell his BMW, And he was very happy to hear that. He didn’t have to go and sell his BMW. But he didn’t recount to me what I did say. It was probably something like this, I think. It was probably something like this: 

Let’s keep our eyes on the other readings for today, on all the readings for today, as we hear what we’re called to do. 

Go and follow Jesus. But before we heard that gospel, we heard in the first reading, we heard about prudence and wisdom personified. Did you hear that? Wisdom and prudence were personified. They were held up as a high virtue. 

I think as we have lots of material gifts and blessings, we’re called to be prudent and wise about how we use those. How do we use the gifts that God has given us so generously and give back to God for what we’ve received? 

In the second reading that we heard, we heard very powerfully about scripture. 

The word of God is alive and active. In scripture and the person of Jesus, the word of God is alive. So we follow the word of God, we follow scripture. And then the last thing we heard in the gospel was that when Jesus told the rich young man, go and sell everything, he looked at the rich young man, he smiled and it says, and he loved him. 

We sit in the love of Christ. So I think those are some of our answers to what are we called to do in the midst of this gospel, which says, go sell everything. 

Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and stay close to the love of Christ Jesus that’s always with us. Be prudent, be wise, stay close to the word of God and close to the love of Jesus that’s always with us. 

I wanna share that there’s a couple that I know, I’ve known them now for about 10 years, 15 years, and they have a lot of money and I’m astounded at how much money they have. And I love watching them discern and be wise and prudent about how it is they share the gifts that God has given them so generously. They take good care of their children and they are very disciplined and beautiful with their children and they take care of their parish church. 

They make sure their parish church has what it needs and they take care of the archdiocese and they make sure the archdiocese has what it needs more recently in making a gift to renew my church, saying, “look, the spiritual renewal that “Renew my church tends to wants to undertake is powerful and it needs to happen in our archdiocese.” And they said, “I want to support that.” And they support our global church as well. 

I admire them and they’re great examples for me. 

The resources that we have were called to share generously through wisdom and prudence, staying close to the word of God among us and staying close to the love of Christ that guides our actions. For with Christ Jesus and our generous God, all things are possible. 

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