Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday Mass - Sep 15, 2024 - Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Scott Donahue
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Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the 24th Sunday in ordinary time. 

My name is dan riley, 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Joyce McQuiggin, 

And our celebrant is Father Scott Donahue, 

President of Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

∫ Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim, ∫ 

∫ Till all the world adore his sacred name. ∫ 

We gather together as a people of faith 

Around the lord’s table to celebrate eucharist, 

To give thanks to God and to praise God. 

And we offer our prayer 

In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit, 


The grace of our lord Jesus Christ 

And the love of God and the communion 

Of the holy spirit be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

My friends, as we gather we turn to the lord, 

We acknowledge our faults and failings, 

We acknowledge that we are dependent upon God 

In all things in this life of ours. 

Lord Jesus, as we gather this day, we ask that you might deepen our faith. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

We ask that you might strengthen our sense of hope in one another and in the world. 

Christ, have mercy. 

-Christ, have mercy. 

We ask that you teach us to love as you love us. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

May almighty God have mercy on us, 

Forgive us of our sin, bring us to life everlasting. 


We praise God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest, ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest, ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

My friends, let us pray. 

Look upon us, o God, creator and ruler of all things, 

And that we may feel the workings of your mercy. 

Grant that we may serve you with all of our heart 

Through our lord Jesus Christ your son, 

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit, 

One God, forever and ever. 


A reading from the book of the prophet isaiah. 

The lord God opens my ear that i may hear, 

And i have not rebelled, have not turned back. 

I gave my back to those who beat me, 

My cheeks to those who plucked my beard, 

My face i did not shield from buffets and spitting. 

The lord God is my help. 

Therefore, i am not disgraced. 

I have set my face like flint, knowing that i shall not be put to shame. 

He is near who upholds my right. 

If anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear together. 

Who disputes my right? 

Let that man confront me. 

See, the lord God is my help. 

Who will prove me wrong? 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

∫ I love the lord, for he has heard my voice, my appeal, ∫ 

∫ For he has turned his ear to me whenever i call. ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

A reading from the letter of st. James. 

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, 

If someone says he has faith but does not have works? 

Can that faith save him? 

If a brother or sister has nothing to wear 

And has no food for the day and one of you says to them, 

Go in peace, keep warm and eat well, 

And you do not give them the necessities of the body, 

What good is it? 

So also, faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. 

Indeed, someone might say, you have faith and i have works. 

Demonstrate your faith to me without works, 

And i will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

∫ May i never boast except in the cross of our lord, ∫ 

∫ Through which the world has been crucified to me ∫ 

∫ And i to the world. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

The lord be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Ours is a reading taken from the holy gospel according to st. Mark. 

-Glory to you, o lord. 

Jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea Philippi. 

Along the way he asked his disciples, 

“Who do people say that I am?” 

They said in reply, “john the Baptist, 

“Others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.” 

And he asked them, “but who do you say that i am?” 

Peter said to him in reply, “you are the Christ.” 

Then he warned them not to tell anyone about him. 

He began to teach them that the son of man must suffer greatly, 

Be rejected by the elders and the chief priests 

And the scribes and be killed and rise after three days. 

He spoke openly. 

Then peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. 

At this he turned around and he looked at his disciples 

And he rebuked peter, “get behind me, Satan. 

“You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” 

He called the crowd with his disciples and he said to them, 

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, 

“Take up his cross and follow me. 

“Whoever wishes to save their life will lose it, 

“But whoever loses their life for my sake 

“And that of the gospel will save it.” 

The gospel of the lord. 

-Praise to you, lord Jesus Christ. 


There’s an old Chinese proverb, perhaps you have heard it, but it goes something like this:  that the human tongue has the capacity to destroy a thousand lives without ever shedding a drop of blood. And how true that is. What we say makes a difference. Gossip, untruth said about another can simply destroy another person’s life and we’ve all seen it. Words have meaning. Words are powerful and how we use our vocabulary and the words that we put together and what we say to and about one another makes all the difference in the world. 

Jesus asks in the gospel today of his disciples, “who do people say that I am?” Who do people say that I am? 

And they say, “some think you’re Elijah. “Some think you’re one of the great prophets.” Jesus doesn’t want to hear what other people are saying. What are the words that you say? Who do you say that I am? 

And how you answer this question will make all the difference in the world. And it’s Peter who says, you are the Christ, meaning the anointed one of God. It’s a profession of faith on Peter’s part as to who it is that Jesus is. That question of: who do you say that I am may be the most important question that you ever answered in your life. 

And in our lives of faith, I don’t think he answered that question once. Many times we have to say who it is that Jesus is for us in our lives of faith. And how we answer that once again makes all the difference in the world. 

Because the way we answer that question shapes our behavior. How it is that we’re going to follow Christ as Christ’s disciples. How it is that we’re going to pick up our cross and carry it. Professing our belief in the Christ, the risen one. 

What we say and what we do makes all the difference in the world. That’s what integrity is all about. When things align in our lives as disciples of the lord. When we say that you are the Christ, the son of God, then it shapes our behavior. It shapes our discipline. It shapes what we say and what we do for one another. “Who do you say that i am?” Jesus asks.  

A question posed to us over and again that we come back to. And each time we come back to it, hopefully our faith is deepened. And our commitment is deepened to follow him even more closely. 



Let’s stand together and profess what it is we believe. 

I believe in one God, the father almighty, 

Maker of heaven and earth, 

Of all things visible and invisible. 

I believe in one lord, Jesus Christ, 

The only begotten son of God, 

Born the father before all ages. 

God from God, light from light, 

True God from true God, begotten not made, 

Consubstantial with the father. 

Through him all things were made. 

For us and for our salvation, he came down from heaven. 

And by the holy spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man. 

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate. 

He suffered death and was buried 

And rose again on the third day 

In accordance with the scriptures. 

He ascended into heaven 

And is seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. 

And his kingdom will have no end. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the lord, the giver of life, 

Who proceeds from the father and the son, 

That the father and son is adored and glorified, 

Who has spoken to the prophets. 

I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. 

I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. 

I look forward to the resurrection of the dead 

And the life of the world to come. 


And let us take this moment now as we place before the lord 

Our own hopes and our dreams, 

Our prayers for our families, for our friends, 

For ourselves, and for our world. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord, hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father, clergy, and all who serve in Christ’s ministry, 

May they be successful in using words and actions 

While they share the gospel message. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who are battling cancer and other illnesses, 

May God’s presence in their lives give them strength in their suffering. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For the Boys and Girls of Mercy Home, 

May they find opportunity in their studies during this new school year. 

We pray to the lord. 

Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who grieve a great loss in their lives, 

May the lord fill them with comfort and hope. 

We pray to the lord. 

Lord, hear our prayer. 

Gracious and loving God, we thank you for all 

The good gifts that you bring into our lives. 

We thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus, 

The Christ, for us, savior of the world. 

We trust and we know that you hear all of our prayers 

As we place them in your hands through Christ our lord. 


∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

Pray my friends, my sisters and my brothers, 

That this our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, the father almighty. 

May the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands 

For the praise and glory of his name, 

For our good and the good of all his holy church. 

Look with favor on our supplications, o lord, 

And in your kindness accept these, your servants’ offerings, 

That what each has offered to the honor of your name 

May serve the salvation of all through Christ our lord. 


The lord is with you. 

And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

We lift them up to the lord. 

Let us give thanks to the lord our God. 

It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just, our duty and salvation. 

Always and everywhere to give you thanks, 

Lord, holy father, almighty and eternal God, 

Through Christ our lord. 

For out of compassion for the waveriness that is ours, 

He humbled himself and he was born of the virgin mary. 

By the passion of the cross he freed us from unending death. 

By rising from the dead he has given us life eternal. 

And so with the angels and with the archangels, 

With thrones and dominions, 

With all the hosts and the powers of heaven, 

We sing the hymn of your glory as without end we acclaim. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy, lord God of hosts, ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o lord, the fount of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts we pray. 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dew falls 

So that they may become for us the body and blood 

Of our lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time that he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion, 

He took bread and giving thanks, he broke it. 

He gave it to his disciples saying, “take this, all of you, and eat of it. 

For this is my body which will be given up for you.” 

In a similar way when the supper was ended, he took the chalice, 

And once more giving thanks, he gave it to his disciples 

Saying, “take this, all of you, and drink from it. 

For this is the chalice of my blood, 

The blood of the new and the eternal covenant which will be 

Poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. 

Do this in memory of me.” 

The mystery of faith. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup, ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o lord, until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and his resurrection, 

We offer to you, lord, the bread of life and the chalice of salvation. 

Giving thanks that you’ve held us worthy to be 

In your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly we pray that partaking of the body and the blood of Christ, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

Remember, lord, your church spread throughout the world 

And bring her to the fullness of charity. 

Together with francis, our pope, blase, our bishop, 

And with all your faith-filled people. 

Remember also our sisters and our brothers 

Who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection 

And all of those who have died in your mercy. 

Welcome them into the light of your presence. 

Have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed virgin mary, the mother of God, 

With her blessed spouse joseph, 

With the blessed apostles and with the martyrs, 

With all the saints that have pleased you throughout the ages, 

That we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life 

And may praise and glorify you through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him and with him and in him. 

O God, almighty father, in the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor is yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen. ∫ 

His disciples came up and they said, 

“Lord, teach us how to pray.” 

And he said, “when you pray, pray like this: 

Our father, who art in heaven, 

Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, 

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread 

And forgive us our trespasses, 

As we forgive those who trespass against us. 

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, lord, we pray, from every evil 

And graciously grant peace in our day, 

That by the help of your mercy we may be freed from sin 

And safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope, 

The coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

-For the kingdom, the power and glory are yours now and forever. 

And lord Jesus Christ, who said to his apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, it is my peace that i give to you. 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church, 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, who lives and reigns forever and ever.” 


The peace of the risen lord be with each of you. 

And with your spirit. 

Take this opportunity to share the lord’s peace 

With one another. 

And for those of you who are at home celebrating 

This eucharist with us here 

At Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

We pray that you receive God’s choicest blessings 

And the peace of Christ in your lives. 


∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

And my friends, behold Jesus, the lamb of God, 

Who takes away the sins of the world, 

The bread of life that comes down from heaven. 

Blessed are those invited to the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, i’m not worthy that you should enter under my roof, 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, please turn to page 6 in your tv mass guide 

And join in singing our communion song, “in the arms of God.” 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Leave your worry and fear. ∫ 

∫ Make your home in the heart of God. ∫ 

∫ God will dry every tear. ∫ 

∫ For the burden you carry will fade within God’s care. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Gentle is God’s way and humble is God’s heart. ∫ 

∫ God’s love will light the way that leads to peace. ∫ 

∫ Surely you shall see God’s goodness and God’s grace. ∫ 

∫ Rest now in God’s embrace. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Leave your worry and fear. ∫ 

∫ Make your home in the heart of God. ∫ 

∫ God will dry every tear. ∫ 

∫ For the burden you carry will fade within God’s care. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

I invite you to pray with me the prayer that we have here 

For the children at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

By turning to page 6 of your tv mass guide. 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will guide, protect, 

And bless all Boys and Girls who this day 

Have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy as we offer them our hearts. 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, 

May they see God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

May the workings of this heavenly gift, o lord, we pray, 

Take possession of our minds and bodies 

So that its effects and not our own desires 

May always prevail in us through Christ our lord. 


The lord is with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

May the many blessings of almighty God, 

The father, and the son, and the holy spirit 

Come upon you and your family members and friends 

And remain with you forever. 


Our mass has ended. 

Go in peace. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ As we gather at your table, as we listen to your word, ∫ 

∫ Help us know, o God, your presence… ∫ 

Hello, my friends. 

As you know, as i know, this tv ministry at Mercy Home is so important. 

It allows us to gather wherever you may be 

To participate in the prayer of the church. 

It allows us to pray for one another in how important it is. 

It allows you and me to pray for the children 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

We’re nourished by our presence together 

And by the celebration of the eucharist. 

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you so very much 

For the ways in which you support this mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Please consider doing that going forward as well. 

And may God bless you and your family and your friends 

For all you do for the tv mass at Mercy Home and for our children. 

The music for the broadcast of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home 

Is generously provided by g-i-a publications incorporated 

And its world library publications division. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

Homily Video

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the 24th Sunday in ordinary time. 

My name is dan riley, 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Joyce McQuiggin, 

And our celebrant is Father Scott Donahue, 

President of Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

∫ Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim, ∫ 

∫ Till all the world adore his sacred name. ∫ 

We gather together as a people of faith 

Around the lord’s table to celebrate eucharist, 

To give thanks to God and to praise God. 

And we offer our prayer 

In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit, 


The grace of our lord Jesus Christ 

And the love of God and the communion 

Of the holy spirit be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

My friends, as we gather we turn to the lord, 

We acknowledge our faults and failings, 

We acknowledge that we are dependent upon God 

In all things in this life of ours. 

Lord Jesus, as we gather this day, we ask that you might deepen our faith. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

We ask that you might strengthen our sense of hope in one another and in the world. 

Christ, have mercy. 

-Christ, have mercy. 

We ask that you teach us to love as you love us. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

May almighty God have mercy on us, 

Forgive us of our sin, bring us to life everlasting. 


We praise God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest, ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest, ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

My friends, let us pray. 

Look upon us, o God, creator and ruler of all things, 

And that we may feel the workings of your mercy. 

Grant that we may serve you with all of our heart 

Through our lord Jesus Christ your son, 

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit, 

One God, forever and ever. 


A reading from the book of the prophet isaiah. 

The lord God opens my ear that i may hear, 

And i have not rebelled, have not turned back. 

I gave my back to those who beat me, 

My cheeks to those who plucked my beard, 

My face i did not shield from buffets and spitting. 

The lord God is my help. 

Therefore, i am not disgraced. 

I have set my face like flint, knowing that i shall not be put to shame. 

He is near who upholds my right. 

If anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear together. 

Who disputes my right? 

Let that man confront me. 

See, the lord God is my help. 

Who will prove me wrong? 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

∫ I love the lord, for he has heard my voice, my appeal, ∫ 

∫ For he has turned his ear to me whenever i call. ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

A reading from the letter of st. James. 

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, 

If someone says he has faith but does not have works? 

Can that faith save him? 

If a brother or sister has nothing to wear 

And has no food for the day and one of you says to them, 

Go in peace, keep warm and eat well, 

And you do not give them the necessities of the body, 

What good is it? 

So also, faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. 

Indeed, someone might say, you have faith and i have works. 

Demonstrate your faith to me without works, 

And i will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

∫ May i never boast except in the cross of our lord, ∫ 

∫ Through which the world has been crucified to me ∫ 

∫ And i to the world. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

The lord be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Ours is a reading taken from the holy gospel according to st. Mark. 

-Glory to you, o lord. 

Jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea Philippi. 

Along the way he asked his disciples, 

“Who do people say that I am?” 

They said in reply, “john the Baptist, 

“Others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.” 

And he asked them, “but who do you say that i am?” 

Peter said to him in reply, “you are the Christ.” 

Then he warned them not to tell anyone about him. 

He began to teach them that the son of man must suffer greatly, 

Be rejected by the elders and the chief priests 

And the scribes and be killed and rise after three days. 

He spoke openly. 

Then peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. 

At this he turned around and he looked at his disciples 

And he rebuked peter, “get behind me, Satan. 

“You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” 

He called the crowd with his disciples and he said to them, 

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, 

“Take up his cross and follow me. 

“Whoever wishes to save their life will lose it, 

“But whoever loses their life for my sake 

“And that of the gospel will save it.” 

The gospel of the lord. 

-Praise to you, lord Jesus Christ. 


There’s an old Chinese proverb, perhaps you have heard it, but it goes something like this:  that the human tongue has the capacity to destroy a thousand lives without ever shedding a drop of blood. And how true that is. What we say makes a difference. Gossip, untruth said about another can simply destroy another person’s life and we’ve all seen it. Words have meaning. Words are powerful and how we use our vocabulary and the words that we put together and what we say to and about one another makes all the difference in the world. 

Jesus asks in the gospel today of his disciples, “who do people say that I am?” Who do people say that I am? 

And they say, “some think you’re Elijah. “Some think you’re one of the great prophets.” Jesus doesn’t want to hear what other people are saying. What are the words that you say? Who do you say that I am? 

And how you answer this question will make all the difference in the world. And it’s Peter who says, you are the Christ, meaning the anointed one of God. It’s a profession of faith on Peter’s part as to who it is that Jesus is. That question of: who do you say that I am may be the most important question that you ever answered in your life. 

And in our lives of faith, I don’t think he answered that question once. Many times we have to say who it is that Jesus is for us in our lives of faith. And how we answer that once again makes all the difference in the world. 

Because the way we answer that question shapes our behavior. How it is that we’re going to follow Christ as Christ’s disciples. How it is that we’re going to pick up our cross and carry it. Professing our belief in the Christ, the risen one. 

What we say and what we do makes all the difference in the world. That’s what integrity is all about. When things align in our lives as disciples of the lord. When we say that you are the Christ, the son of God, then it shapes our behavior. It shapes our discipline. It shapes what we say and what we do for one another. “Who do you say that i am?” Jesus asks.  

A question posed to us over and again that we come back to. And each time we come back to it, hopefully our faith is deepened. And our commitment is deepened to follow him even more closely. 



Let’s stand together and profess what it is we believe. 

I believe in one God, the father almighty, 

Maker of heaven and earth, 

Of all things visible and invisible. 

I believe in one lord, Jesus Christ, 

The only begotten son of God, 

Born the father before all ages. 

God from God, light from light, 

True God from true God, begotten not made, 

Consubstantial with the father. 

Through him all things were made. 

For us and for our salvation, he came down from heaven. 

And by the holy spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man. 

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate. 

He suffered death and was buried 

And rose again on the third day 

In accordance with the scriptures. 

He ascended into heaven 

And is seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. 

And his kingdom will have no end. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the lord, the giver of life, 

Who proceeds from the father and the son, 

That the father and son is adored and glorified, 

Who has spoken to the prophets. 

I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. 

I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. 

I look forward to the resurrection of the dead 

And the life of the world to come. 


And let us take this moment now as we place before the lord 

Our own hopes and our dreams, 

Our prayers for our families, for our friends, 

For ourselves, and for our world. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord, hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father, clergy, and all who serve in Christ’s ministry, 

May they be successful in using words and actions 

While they share the gospel message. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who are battling cancer and other illnesses, 

May God’s presence in their lives give them strength in their suffering. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For the Boys and Girls of Mercy Home, 

May they find opportunity in their studies during this new school year. 

We pray to the lord. 

Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who grieve a great loss in their lives, 

May the lord fill them with comfort and hope. 

We pray to the lord. 

Lord, hear our prayer. 

Gracious and loving God, we thank you for all 

The good gifts that you bring into our lives. 

We thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus, 

The Christ, for us, savior of the world. 

We trust and we know that you hear all of our prayers 

As we place them in your hands through Christ our lord. 


∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

Pray my friends, my sisters and my brothers, 

That this our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, the father almighty. 

May the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands 

For the praise and glory of his name, 

For our good and the good of all his holy church. 

Look with favor on our supplications, o lord, 

And in your kindness accept these, your servants’ offerings, 

That what each has offered to the honor of your name 

May serve the salvation of all through Christ our lord. 


The lord is with you. 

And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

We lift them up to the lord. 

Let us give thanks to the lord our God. 

It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just, our duty and salvation. 

Always and everywhere to give you thanks, 

Lord, holy father, almighty and eternal God, 

Through Christ our lord. 

For out of compassion for the waveriness that is ours, 

He humbled himself and he was born of the virgin mary. 

By the passion of the cross he freed us from unending death. 

By rising from the dead he has given us life eternal. 

And so with the angels and with the archangels, 

With thrones and dominions, 

With all the hosts and the powers of heaven, 

We sing the hymn of your glory as without end we acclaim. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy, lord God of hosts, ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o lord, the fount of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts we pray. 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dew falls 

So that they may become for us the body and blood 

Of our lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time that he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion, 

He took bread and giving thanks, he broke it. 

He gave it to his disciples saying, “take this, all of you, and eat of it. 

For this is my body which will be given up for you.” 

In a similar way when the supper was ended, he took the chalice, 

And once more giving thanks, he gave it to his disciples 

Saying, “take this, all of you, and drink from it. 

For this is the chalice of my blood, 

The blood of the new and the eternal covenant which will be 

Poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. 

Do this in memory of me.” 

The mystery of faith. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup, ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o lord, until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and his resurrection, 

We offer to you, lord, the bread of life and the chalice of salvation. 

Giving thanks that you’ve held us worthy to be 

In your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly we pray that partaking of the body and the blood of Christ, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

Remember, lord, your church spread throughout the world 

And bring her to the fullness of charity. 

Together with francis, our pope, blase, our bishop, 

And with all your faith-filled people. 

Remember also our sisters and our brothers 

Who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection 

And all of those who have died in your mercy. 

Welcome them into the light of your presence. 

Have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed virgin mary, the mother of God, 

With her blessed spouse joseph, 

With the blessed apostles and with the martyrs, 

With all the saints that have pleased you throughout the ages, 

That we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life 

And may praise and glorify you through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him and with him and in him. 

O God, almighty father, in the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor is yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen. ∫ 

His disciples came up and they said, 

“Lord, teach us how to pray.” 

And he said, “when you pray, pray like this: 

Our father, who art in heaven, 

Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, 

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread 

And forgive us our trespasses, 

As we forgive those who trespass against us. 

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, lord, we pray, from every evil 

And graciously grant peace in our day, 

That by the help of your mercy we may be freed from sin 

And safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope, 

The coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

-For the kingdom, the power and glory are yours now and forever. 

And lord Jesus Christ, who said to his apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, it is my peace that i give to you. 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church, 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, who lives and reigns forever and ever.” 


The peace of the risen lord be with each of you. 

And with your spirit. 

Take this opportunity to share the lord’s peace 

With one another. 

And for those of you who are at home celebrating 

This eucharist with us here 

At Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

We pray that you receive God’s choicest blessings 

And the peace of Christ in your lives. 


∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

And my friends, behold Jesus, the lamb of God, 

Who takes away the sins of the world, 

The bread of life that comes down from heaven. 

Blessed are those invited to the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, i’m not worthy that you should enter under my roof, 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, please turn to page 6 in your tv mass guide 

And join in singing our communion song, “in the arms of God.” 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Leave your worry and fear. ∫ 

∫ Make your home in the heart of God. ∫ 

∫ God will dry every tear. ∫ 

∫ For the burden you carry will fade within God’s care. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Gentle is God’s way and humble is God’s heart. ∫ 

∫ God’s love will light the way that leads to peace. ∫ 

∫ Surely you shall see God’s goodness and God’s grace. ∫ 

∫ Rest now in God’s embrace. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Leave your worry and fear. ∫ 

∫ Make your home in the heart of God. ∫ 

∫ God will dry every tear. ∫ 

∫ For the burden you carry will fade within God’s care. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

I invite you to pray with me the prayer that we have here 

For the children at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

By turning to page 6 of your tv mass guide. 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will guide, protect, 

And bless all Boys and Girls who this day 

Have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy as we offer them our hearts. 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, 

May they see God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

May the workings of this heavenly gift, o lord, we pray, 

Take possession of our minds and bodies 

So that its effects and not our own desires 

May always prevail in us through Christ our lord. 


The lord is with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

May the many blessings of almighty God, 

The father, and the son, and the holy spirit 

Come upon you and your family members and friends 

And remain with you forever. 


Our mass has ended. 

Go in peace. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ As we gather at your table, as we listen to your word, ∫ 

∫ Help us know, o God, your presence… ∫ 

Hello, my friends. 

As you know, as i know, this tv ministry at Mercy Home is so important. 

It allows us to gather wherever you may be 

To participate in the prayer of the church. 

It allows us to pray for one another in how important it is. 

It allows you and me to pray for the children 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

We’re nourished by our presence together 

And by the celebration of the eucharist. 

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you so very much 

For the ways in which you support this mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Please consider doing that going forward as well. 

And may God bless you and your family and your friends 

For all you do for the tv mass at Mercy Home and for our children. 

The music for the broadcast of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home 

Is generously provided by g-i-a publications incorporated 

And its world library publications division. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

Full Mass Video

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

The following presentation is made possible 

By the generosity of the viewers 

Of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago. 

Good morning and welcome to Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Today we celebrate the 24th Sunday in ordinary time. 

My name is dan riley, 

I am joined by Tom McNamara and Joyce McQuiggin, 

And our celebrant is Father Scott Donahue, 

President of Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

∫ Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim, ∫ 

∫ Till all the world adore his sacred name. ∫ 

We gather together as a people of faith 

Around the lord’s table to celebrate eucharist, 

To give thanks to God and to praise God. 

And we offer our prayer 

In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit, 


The grace of our lord Jesus Christ 

And the love of God and the communion 

Of the holy spirit be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

My friends, as we gather we turn to the lord, 

We acknowledge our faults and failings, 

We acknowledge that we are dependent upon God 

In all things in this life of ours. 

Lord Jesus, as we gather this day, we ask that you might deepen our faith. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

We ask that you might strengthen our sense of hope in one another and in the world. 

Christ, have mercy. 

-Christ, have mercy. 

We ask that you teach us to love as you love us. 

Lord, have mercy. 

-Lord, have mercy. 

May almighty God have mercy on us, 

Forgive us of our sin, bring us to life everlasting. 


We praise God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest, ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

∫ Glory to God in the highest, ∫ 

∫ And on earth peace to people of good will. ∫ 

My friends, let us pray. 

Look upon us, o God, creator and ruler of all things, 

And that we may feel the workings of your mercy. 

Grant that we may serve you with all of our heart 

Through our lord Jesus Christ your son, 

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit, 

One God, forever and ever. 


A reading from the book of the prophet isaiah. 

The lord God opens my ear that i may hear, 

And i have not rebelled, have not turned back. 

I gave my back to those who beat me, 

My cheeks to those who plucked my beard, 

My face i did not shield from buffets and spitting. 

The lord God is my help. 

Therefore, i am not disgraced. 

I have set my face like flint, knowing that i shall not be put to shame. 

He is near who upholds my right. 

If anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear together. 

Who disputes my right? 

Let that man confront me. 

See, the lord God is my help. 

Who will prove me wrong? 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

∫ I love the lord, for he has heard my voice, my appeal, ∫ 

∫ For he has turned his ear to me whenever i call. ∫ 

∫ I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. ∫ 

A reading from the letter of st. James. 

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, 

If someone says he has faith but does not have works? 

Can that faith save him? 

If a brother or sister has nothing to wear 

And has no food for the day and one of you says to them, 

Go in peace, keep warm and eat well, 

And you do not give them the necessities of the body, 

What good is it? 

So also, faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. 

Indeed, someone might say, you have faith and i have works. 

Demonstrate your faith to me without works, 

And i will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. 

The word of the lord. 

-Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

∫ May i never boast except in the cross of our lord, ∫ 

∫ Through which the world has been crucified to me ∫ 

∫ And i to the world. ∫ 

∫ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ∫ 

The lord be with each of you. 

-And with your spirit. 

Ours is a reading taken from the holy gospel according to st. Mark. 

-Glory to you, o lord. 

Jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea Philippi. 

Along the way he asked his disciples, 

“Who do people say that I am?” 

They said in reply, “john the Baptist, 

“Others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.” 

And he asked them, “but who do you say that i am?” 

Peter said to him in reply, “you are the Christ.” 

Then he warned them not to tell anyone about him. 

He began to teach them that the son of man must suffer greatly, 

Be rejected by the elders and the chief priests 

And the scribes and be killed and rise after three days. 

He spoke openly. 

Then peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. 

At this he turned around and he looked at his disciples 

And he rebuked peter, “get behind me, Satan. 

“You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” 

He called the crowd with his disciples and he said to them, 

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, 

“Take up his cross and follow me. 

“Whoever wishes to save their life will lose it, 

“But whoever loses their life for my sake 

“And that of the gospel will save it.” 

The gospel of the lord. 

-Praise to you, lord Jesus Christ. 


There’s an old Chinese proverb, perhaps you have heard it, but it goes something like this:  that the human tongue has the capacity to destroy a thousand lives without ever shedding a drop of blood. And how true that is. What we say makes a difference. Gossip, untruth said about another can simply destroy another person’s life and we’ve all seen it. Words have meaning. Words are powerful and how we use our vocabulary and the words that we put together and what we say to and about one another makes all the difference in the world. 

Jesus asks in the gospel today of his disciples, “who do people say that I am?” Who do people say that I am? 

And they say, “some think you’re Elijah. “Some think you’re one of the great prophets.” Jesus doesn’t want to hear what other people are saying. What are the words that you say? Who do you say that I am? 

And how you answer this question will make all the difference in the world. And it’s Peter who says, you are the Christ, meaning the anointed one of God. It’s a profession of faith on Peter’s part as to who it is that Jesus is. That question of: who do you say that I am may be the most important question that you ever answered in your life. 

And in our lives of faith, I don’t think he answered that question once. Many times we have to say who it is that Jesus is for us in our lives of faith. And how we answer that once again makes all the difference in the world. 

Because the way we answer that question shapes our behavior. How it is that we’re going to follow Christ as Christ’s disciples. How it is that we’re going to pick up our cross and carry it. Professing our belief in the Christ, the risen one. 

What we say and what we do makes all the difference in the world. That’s what integrity is all about. When things align in our lives as disciples of the lord. When we say that you are the Christ, the son of God, then it shapes our behavior. It shapes our discipline. It shapes what we say and what we do for one another. “Who do you say that i am?” Jesus asks.  

A question posed to us over and again that we come back to. And each time we come back to it, hopefully our faith is deepened. And our commitment is deepened to follow him even more closely. 



Let’s stand together and profess what it is we believe. 

I believe in one God, the father almighty, 

Maker of heaven and earth, 

Of all things visible and invisible. 

I believe in one lord, Jesus Christ, 

The only begotten son of God, 

Born the father before all ages. 

God from God, light from light, 

True God from true God, begotten not made, 

Consubstantial with the father. 

Through him all things were made. 

For us and for our salvation, he came down from heaven. 

And by the holy spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man. 

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate. 

He suffered death and was buried 

And rose again on the third day 

In accordance with the scriptures. 

He ascended into heaven 

And is seated at the right hand of the father. 

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. 

And his kingdom will have no end. 

I believe in the holy spirit, the lord, the giver of life, 

Who proceeds from the father and the son, 

That the father and son is adored and glorified, 

Who has spoken to the prophets. 

I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. 

I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. 

I look forward to the resurrection of the dead 

And the life of the world to come. 


And let us take this moment now as we place before the lord 

Our own hopes and our dreams, 

Our prayers for our families, for our friends, 

For ourselves, and for our world. 

Our response to each prayer will be, 

“Lord, hear our prayer.” 

For our holy father, clergy, and all who serve in Christ’s ministry, 

May they be successful in using words and actions 

While they share the gospel message. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who are battling cancer and other illnesses, 

May God’s presence in their lives give them strength in their suffering. 

We pray to the lord. 

-Lord, hear our prayer. 

For the Boys and Girls of Mercy Home, 

May they find opportunity in their studies during this new school year. 

We pray to the lord. 

Lord, hear our prayer. 

For those who grieve a great loss in their lives, 

May the lord fill them with comfort and hope. 

We pray to the lord. 

Lord, hear our prayer. 

Gracious and loving God, we thank you for all 

The good gifts that you bring into our lives. 

We thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus, 

The Christ, for us, savior of the world. 

We trust and we know that you hear all of our prayers 

As we place them in your hands through Christ our lord. 


∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

Pray my friends, my sisters and my brothers, 

That this our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, the father almighty. 

May the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands 

For the praise and glory of his name, 

For our good and the good of all his holy church. 

Look with favor on our supplications, o lord, 

And in your kindness accept these, your servants’ offerings, 

That what each has offered to the honor of your name 

May serve the salvation of all through Christ our lord. 


The lord is with you. 

And with your spirit. 

Lift up your hearts. 

We lift them up to the lord. 

Let us give thanks to the lord our God. 

It is right and just. 

It is truly right and just, our duty and salvation. 

Always and everywhere to give you thanks, 

Lord, holy father, almighty and eternal God, 

Through Christ our lord. 

For out of compassion for the waveriness that is ours, 

He humbled himself and he was born of the virgin mary. 

By the passion of the cross he freed us from unending death. 

By rising from the dead he has given us life eternal. 

And so with the angels and with the archangels, 

With thrones and dominions, 

With all the hosts and the powers of heaven, 

We sing the hymn of your glory as without end we acclaim. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Holy, holy, holy, lord God of hosts, ∫ 

∫ Heaven and earth are full of your glory. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

∫ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord. ∫ 

∫ Hosanna in the highest. ∫ 

You are indeed holy, o lord, the fount of all holiness. 

Make holy therefore these gifts we pray. 

By sending down your spirit upon them like the dew falls 

So that they may become for us the body and blood 

Of our lord Jesus Christ. 

At the time that he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion, 

He took bread and giving thanks, he broke it. 

He gave it to his disciples saying, “take this, all of you, and eat of it. 

For this is my body which will be given up for you.” 

In a similar way when the supper was ended, he took the chalice, 

And once more giving thanks, he gave it to his disciples 

Saying, “take this, all of you, and drink from it. 

For this is the chalice of my blood, 

The blood of the new and the eternal covenant which will be 

Poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. 

Do this in memory of me.” 

The mystery of faith. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ When we eat this bread and drink this cup, ∫ 

∫ We proclaim your death, o lord, until you come again. ∫ 

Therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and his resurrection, 

We offer to you, lord, the bread of life and the chalice of salvation. 

Giving thanks that you’ve held us worthy to be 

In your presence and minister to you. 

Humbly we pray that partaking of the body and the blood of Christ, 

We may be gathered into one by the holy spirit. 

Remember, lord, your church spread throughout the world 

And bring her to the fullness of charity. 

Together with francis, our pope, blase, our bishop, 

And with all your faith-filled people. 

Remember also our sisters and our brothers 

Who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection 

And all of those who have died in your mercy. 

Welcome them into the light of your presence. 

Have mercy on us all, we pray, 

That with the blessed virgin mary, the mother of God, 

With her blessed spouse joseph, 

With the blessed apostles and with the martyrs, 

With all the saints that have pleased you throughout the ages, 

That we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life 

And may praise and glorify you through your son, Jesus Christ. 

Through him and with him and in him. 

O God, almighty father, in the unity of the holy spirit, 

All glory and honor is yours forever and ever. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Amen, amen, amen. ∫ 

His disciples came up and they said, 

“Lord, teach us how to pray.” 

And he said, “when you pray, pray like this: 

Our father, who art in heaven, 

Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, 

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread 

And forgive us our trespasses, 

As we forgive those who trespass against us. 

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 

Deliver us, lord, we pray, from every evil 

And graciously grant peace in our day, 

That by the help of your mercy we may be freed from sin 

And safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope, 

The coming of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

-For the kingdom, the power and glory are yours now and forever. 

And lord Jesus Christ, who said to his apostles, 

“Peace i leave you, it is my peace that i give to you. 

Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your church, 

And graciously grant her peace and unity 

In accordance with your will, who lives and reigns forever and ever.” 


The peace of the risen lord be with each of you. 

And with your spirit. 

Take this opportunity to share the lord’s peace 

With one another. 

And for those of you who are at home celebrating 

This eucharist with us here 

At Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

We pray that you receive God’s choicest blessings 

And the peace of Christ in your lives. 


∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Have mercy on us. ∫ 

∫ Lamb of God, ∫ 

∫ You take away the sins of the world: ∫ 

∫ Grant us peace. ∫ 

And my friends, behold Jesus, the lamb of God, 

Who takes away the sins of the world, 

The bread of life that comes down from heaven. 

Blessed are those invited to the supper of the lamb. 

Lord, i’m not worthy that you should enter under my roof, 

But only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

For those of you at home, please turn to page 6 in your tv mass guide 

And join in singing our communion song, “in the arms of God.” 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Leave your worry and fear. ∫ 

∫ Make your home in the heart of God. ∫ 

∫ God will dry every tear. ∫ 

∫ For the burden you carry will fade within God’s care. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Gentle is God’s way and humble is God’s heart. ∫ 

∫ God’s love will light the way that leads to peace. ∫ 

∫ Surely you shall see God’s goodness and God’s grace. ∫ 

∫ Rest now in God’s embrace. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

∫ Leave your worry and fear. ∫ 

∫ Make your home in the heart of God. ∫ 

∫ God will dry every tear. ∫ 

∫ For the burden you carry will fade within God’s care. ∫ 

∫ Come and rest in the arms of God. ∫ 

I invite you to pray with me the prayer that we have here 

For the children at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 

By turning to page 6 of your tv mass guide. 

Our lady of mercy, we pray that you will guide, protect, 

And bless all Boys and Girls who this day 

Have a home called mercy. 

May they find the father’s mercy as we offer them our hearts. 

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, 

May they see God’s mercy in action 

Through our love, prayers, and sacrifices. 

May the workings of this heavenly gift, o lord, we pray, 

Take possession of our minds and bodies 

So that its effects and not our own desires 

May always prevail in us through Christ our lord. 


The lord is with you. 

-And with your spirit. 

May the many blessings of almighty God, 

The father, and the son, and the holy spirit 

Come upon you and your family members and friends 

And remain with you forever. 


Our mass has ended. 

Go in peace. 

Thanks be to God. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

∫ As we gather at your table, as we listen to your word, ∫ 

∫ Help us know, o God, your presence… ∫ 

Hello, my friends. 

As you know, as i know, this tv ministry at Mercy Home is so important. 

It allows us to gather wherever you may be 

To participate in the prayer of the church. 

It allows us to pray for one another in how important it is. 

It allows you and me to pray for the children 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

We’re nourished by our presence together 

And by the celebration of the eucharist. 

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you so very much 

For the ways in which you support this mass 

Here at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. 

Please consider doing that going forward as well. 

And may God bless you and your family and your friends 

For all you do for the tv mass at Mercy Home and for our children. 

The music for the broadcast of Sunday Mass at Mercy Home 

Is generously provided by g-i-a publications incorporated 

And its world library publications division. 

∫ [Piano music] ∫ 

Homily Video

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily Transcript

There’s an old Chinese proverb, perhaps you have heard it, but it goes something like this:  that the human tongue has the capacity to destroy a thousand lives without ever shedding a drop of blood. And how true that is. What we say makes a difference. Gossip, untruth said about another can simply destroy another person’s life and we’ve all seen it. Words have meaning. Words are powerful and how we use our vocabulary and the words that we put together and what we say to and about one another makes all the difference in the world. 

Jesus asks in the gospel today of his disciples, “who do people say that I am?” Who do people say that I am? 

And they say, “some think you’re Elijah. “Some think you’re one of the great prophets.” Jesus doesn’t want to hear what other people are saying. What are the words that you say? Who do you say that I am? 

And how you answer this question will make all the difference in the world. And it’s Peter who says, you are the Christ, meaning the anointed one of God. It’s a profession of faith on Peter’s part as to who it is that Jesus is. That question of: who do you say that I am may be the most important question that you ever answered in your life. 

And in our lives of faith, I don’t think he answered that question once. Many times we have to say who it is that Jesus is for us in our lives of faith. And how we answer that once again makes all the difference in the world. 

Because the way we answer that question shapes our behavior. How it is that we’re going to follow Christ as Christ’s disciples. How it is that we’re going to pick up our cross and carry it. Professing our belief in the Christ, the risen one. 

What we say and what we do makes all the difference in the world. That’s what integrity is all about. When things align in our lives as disciples of the lord. When we say that you are the Christ, the son of God, then it shapes our behavior. It shapes our discipline. It shapes what we say and what we do for one another. “Who do you say that i am?” Jesus asks.  

A question posed to us over and again that we come back to. And each time we come back to it, hopefully our faith is deepened. And our commitment is deepened to follow him even more closely. 

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