youth smiling

Join the Legacy Challenge!

Thank you for your interest in the Legacy Challenge!  The Challenge has officially ended, but matching funds are still available.  Please call 1-800-378-8266 or email to learn more!

Make a Greater Impact for Children in Need –Today and Tomorrow!

For a limited time, some good friends of our work have issued a challenge to all Mercy Home supporters: name Mercy Home for Boys & Girls in your final estate plans, and they will match 10% of your future gift intention with a cash gift today!

This means that you can care for kids in need now and many years in the future – all without spending a dollar in your lifetime. Simply name Mercy Home as a beneficiary in your will or trust, or on a financial account (such as a checking, savings, retirement, or brokerage account). These are called “Legacy Gifts,” and they help ensure that Mercy Home will always be there to serve children in need. When you tell us about your legacy gift, you will trigger an immediate cash donation – 10% of the current value of your legacy gift intention, up to $10,000 – to the program of your choice today.

Joining the Legacy Challenge is Simple

  1. Make a Legacy Gift

    Include Mercy Home in your will, trust, or beneficiary designation.

  2. Tell Us About Your Commitment

    Let us know about your future gift by filling out the contact form, or by contacting the Philanthropy Team at 1 (800) 378-8266 or

  3. Unlock Matching Funds

    When you confirm your legacy gift, 10% of the current value of your gift intention (up to $10,000) will be made available to help kids in need today.

  4. Choose Your Program

    You can designate these matched funds to the program area of your choice: Boys Home, Girls Home, Community Care Programs, or wherever it’s needed most.

The Difference Your Legacy Gift Could Make

Your Legacy Commitment to Mercy HomeCost to YouBenefit to Children Living at Mercy Home TodayBenefit to Children Living at Mercy Home in the Future
A bequest of $10,000 in your will  Nothing in your lifetime $1,000$10,000
10% of the residual assets in your trust (current value = $100,000)  Nothing in your lifetime $10,000$100,000
100% of the assets in your IRA (current value = $350,000) Nothing in your lifetime $10,000$350,000

Since 1887, Mercy Home has served as a guiding light for young people in need, creating a brighter future for every child who has walked through our doors.  As we enter our 135th year as a solution for kids in crisis, we’re inviting you to deepen your commitment to children in need by including Mercy Home in your final plans.

Thank you for your interest in Mercy Home’s Legacy Challenge! This is a terrific opportunity to ensure that children in need will always have a home – today and tomorrow. Simply name Mercy Home in your estate plans and unlock matching funds for kids in need today – all without spending a dollar in your lifetime!

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Legal Name:
Mission of Our Lady of Mercy, Inc.

Employer Identification Number (EIN):

More information for financial professionals.

Philanthropic information presented herein is intended for friends and supporters of Mercy Home for Boys & Girls. This material may be helpful in your tax and financial planning, and is based on current laws and recent court decisions. You should consult your own legal, tax, or financial planner to determine how these gift vehicles may apply to your own situation.