The Herald

The Herald is a publication of Mercy Home for Boys & Girls, meant to help our friends and benefactors better understand the world of philanthropic and planned giving. 

Some of these financial and tax concepts can seem intimidating at first.  But they don’t have to be.  The goal of The Herald is to cut out the jargon and simplify giving.  We make it as easy as possible to give generously to charity, receive a tax benefit for doing so, and feel good about helping those in need.

The purpose of this magazine is to identify gift vehicles that may benefit you or your family, point out relevant changes to tax law, and highlight how your gifts directly impact the lives of our kids here at Mercy Home.

From an Issue of Our Latest Herald: Watch Kristina’s Story

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Legal Name:
Mission of Our Lady of Mercy, Inc.

Employer Identification Number (EIN):

More information for financial professionals.

Philanthropic information presented herein is intended for friends and supporters of Mercy Home for Boys & Girls. This material may be helpful in your tax and financial planning, and is based on current laws and recent court decisions. You should consult your own legal, tax, or financial planner to determine how these gift vehicles may apply to your own situation.