resilient schools webinar

Adversity, Trauma and How We Care for Students [Free Webinar]

April 2, 2020 • ByAndrea Rosenberg, M. Ed.

The webinar will explore five different types of trauma and how they impact teachers and students in the classroom. Specifically, the relationship between adversity and trauma will be explored and how educators can be buffers for resilience. Additionally, different models for implementing trauma-informed care in the classroom will be elaborated on and how to get started in your classroom and school.

The goal of the webinar:

  • Participants will learn about the relationship between adversity, trauma and resilience
  • Participants will learn about the five types of trauma and how they impact students and teachers
  • Participants will learn a variety of models for trauma-informed care
  • Participants will be provided with tools for implementing trauma-informed care in their classroom and school

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